Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Nellie Gesture.. :)

Oh, you gotta love the Holidays.....  You know the malls filled with people pushing and shoving trying to get that one gift or the food court when you take a break from the masses; the food court line is, well all of you know, unbelievable. Do you find yourself, changing lines for the food to find it is not much better. (I do this all the time, yeah, should have my head examined.) Usually by the time I make it up to the one I picked, guess what? After watching and smelling all that food coming by, I usually change my mind, again.... 
And oh my lord, the traffic. The traffic is the worst. Bumper to bumper, horn on horn and the faces of some are just to funny to ignore. Me, don't don't cut me off. Come on. Why on earth cause this much ruckus on the streets when you can go to the privacy of your home and purchase online? Makes no sense. Cutting me off will get you Nellie and her gestures and those that knew my Grandmother Nellie knows exactly what I am talking about. :)  
One day, I remember we were pulling out of Big Star in Tupelo and someone cut her off, she said a few choice words and started foot on the pedal to catch up to him. I looked over at my little red headed grandmother and asked what on earth are you doing. She ignored and kept punching it. Finally, caught up to this car and drove up right next to it so the person could see her. You can never guess it was a little gray haired man looking back at my little red haired grandmother giving him the little gesture. He looked in dismay and I just sank in my seat with embarrassment.. I said "Granny!!!", "He's an old man" and her reply... "If he cant see, shouldn't drive and cut me off will he?"  And you know this wasn't even the Christmas season. :) 
One thing, I can't stand is someone cutting me off and me stomping the brakes to keep from either hitting them or someone else. Warning.... if you cut me off you get the Nellie gesture.. 


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