Monday, December 23, 2013


The day before Christmas Eve....... Dang it. Still not finished with my shopping. Love procrastination... Every year, I say I am going to start early and every year, I am last minute shopping. Every year, I say that I am going to stay out of the shops and shop online and every year, I am pushing and shoving, standing in long lines. 
Granted with the death of that special person, I have not wanted to get out of bed much less shopping but I get up and I get myself together and go. Facing the day. 
Well a few more gifts down and a few more to buy and then I am done. Well, we will see if little miss procrastinator is not out shopping on Christmas Eve??   Will she or will she not??  Tune in.. 
All of my girls will be home, Sami came in yesterday, Cate and Lauren will be in from Huntsville tonight and then, I can hug on them and tell them how much I love them. I miss the times when they were younger but now, we can and are growing not only as mother-daughters', but as friends as well.  
Okay, okay.. I have the shower and coffee yelling at me to get off my duff and get a move on ... Shopping awaits... Have a great day, everyone. Be safe. 

Thanks ----

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