Saturday, December 28, 2013

My rant on Healthcare.

As I watch the news and hear about HCare. I want to scream.. Why screw up what we had? yes, it wasn't perfect and yes, it needed fixing... badly.. but to destroy what good people that were doing the right thing that could afford it...  having insurance... they go and mess it up... yes, it's a noble thing to want everyone to have insurance.......but listen.. the math doesn't work and i'm not even good at math.  
Why not get government out of health care and allow our system to work... government helps government not the people that support it.  Even MCare is about to go bust because the jackrabbits stole our money for other projects and all we have in there are IOU's, let me tell you, I've paid my dues for that money to be there and sadly it will not be .. for me or for many others. MCaid is a whole other problem.. why not make the guys that get these girls pregnant get a job and help pay for the insurance if they want any type of assistance??  Hey just suggestions, my opinions. 
Let's allow all us to shop across country for insurance, that would make the "greedy" insurance companies competitive and help cost... tort reform is a biggy... have health  savings account would be great. 
Let's face it, not everyone is going to have insurance whether it be from not affording it or just don't want it. But forcing someone to take something they don't want and can't afford for the purpose of equal and not how our/this country works.  Not how our Constitution works.....  
So scrap this crap and do it right for the people not the government. 


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