Monday, December 30, 2013

That annoying feeling....

You know when you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that something isn't right?  You try to dismiss it as nothing but it will not let up.  What do you do? Do you dismiss or do you look into this annoying feeling?
Me, I am analytical. I go down every possible avenue until I find the truth. I am a bull dog with my teeth tightly clinched on someone's behind until either, i've exhausted means of truth or i find the answers. 
Well right now, I have an annoying feeling in the pit of my stomach and it's telling me something isn't right. And no amount of me thinking it's just me, helps. My thoughts are racing  of things that were said to things that I know. Were the things that were said the truth? or were the things that I have known.... true?  Here lies my problem. Do I trust the annoying pit in my stomach and do whatever it takes  for the answers I seek (and maybe these questions end up the same answers that were annoying) or do I just accept the answers and move on? 
I know, it makes life easier if we just try to accept what annoys us, but I am not made that way.. I have to trust in my gut and here I go ..... Maybe I am wishing what I seek will calm my heart instead of the hurt I feel right now...We will see..    My wish and prayers could be answered if this annoying, gut wrenching feeling were true. 
What do you do when you find this feeling annoying your stomach...........   seek or ignore?


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