Monday, December 9, 2013

My animals and the Christmas Tree

Well as you know, I have my tree up and my girls like it. But, it has to stay on 24 hours a day. Why? Why you ask? I have twin kittens who love looking at the lights. Every time I go to turn off the tree, one or both go and slap at the ornaments or try biting on the lights. As soon as I turn them back on, they leave the tree alone. 
 I don't have presents underneath at the moment. If I do, my dog goes up underneath and tries to find hers... They are so funny to watch.. so mom accommodates all of my little ones. Keep the tree going 24/7 so the twins and the dogs can look at the sparkling lights. 
It goes to show that all creatures great and small love a Christmas Tree.  As I stated before with the cats in the tree and the dogs under the tree, all I need is a squirrel to make my Griswald Christmas complete..


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