Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ole Wives Tales

I grew up in the South. And as I write this, I am not sure if this is just a "southern thing" or not. What I am talking about is Ole Wives Tales, you know what I am talking about. Anyone one of us that were born before the 80's, either had a relative that lived by them or your parents did.. 
There are so many out that it's hard to pin point one, but I will take a few that I grew up with. But, before I go into a few, I will let those of you who may have no clue to what Ole Wives Tales are:  Words handed down by older women to the younger generation and most often considered to be superstition or folklore  and often  center on women's  traditional concerns,  pregnancy, puberty, social  relations and health. 

During the holidays would be the time I remember using them the most. like for New Year's Eve -what you do at the end of the year, you will do the next. I never wash clothes on New Year's Eve or Day. Another one that my grandmother was a stickler about is... no going outside on New Year's and if you do bring a stick back in with you.  Makes no sense but we made sure we abide by these tales. 
Here are a few more that I remember:     An Apple a day  -keeps the doctor away or Breaking a Mirror - brings 7 years bad luck.   How about Don't Cross Your Eyes - they will get stuck that way and how about Toads give you warts.  I can tell you, growing up with these "tales" were funny, at times, because they made no sense. 

As I said earlier, I am no sure if this is just a Southern woman epithets or if they were used by any "ole wife". Some of them were so far out in left field, you would wonder if these old women were drinking other than water...... As off the wall as they sound, keep in mind that some have been proven.  Well what do you know I guess these women knew what they were talking about.  I start to tell my girls about them and they come over to me and check my forehead and ask if I am feeling okay.  

You know, I miss those times that I thought silly and nonsensical. They were the times that seemed simple then.  



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