Monday, December 2, 2013

My adventure/Ireland

I came here for some enlightenment. What I found was me.. myself. I found that- after telling myself how crazy it was to go traipsing across the other side of the world, with no direction, not a particular place but just to take off and go. How could a mother of 3, with a business just take off and do such a thing?
What I found was courage and a fight inside of me that I didn't think I had or would ever have, but I do. It takes courage to get on a plane by yourself and go across the ocean to another country (when you have never been out of the States) and knowing no one. After getting there, meeting up with the person you met on a website and the two of you picking up a car and just driving around for 10 wonderful days.
Seeing things I only read about or seen on the screen and may I add, it's much more lovely in person. I stepped off the plane and was mesmerized. When I saw the castles my minds eye could go back in time to imagine how it must have been around that era as these magnificent structures. How my mind wandered. 
To see the things I have seen and done and oh my lord, the people, the people are absolutely wonderful. I loved how they talked; I blended in with my red hair and light skin until I opened my mouth.. "You must be from America?" How could they tell??
I say it took courage and determination for me to take this adventure. I felt something spiritual would happen but maybe not in the sense I was expecting, but a sense in my soul. A sense of strength and faith and a deeper love for something other than myself. I fell in love with this country I visited and all I could see was the beauty and the richness of heritage and it was at my touch. How awesome!!! 
How lucky I am, to have the life I have. 
This journey has given my free spirited nature more wings to fly and test myself on things that I have found afraid to do/try and has shown me so much of myself and has awakened the fire inside.  I have found in me strength, courage and sensibility to do what I can, It's my life.
This journey in Ireland is over for me but I will return again someday (soon) and as I tell my daughters' of my time here,my hope for them is to see it now while they are young, but you know, I am not sure they would appreciate it right now in their lives. It has taken me to my age of 49 to take this journey/adventure and I can see the wondrous beauty this country holds.. 
My journey may be over but my adventure continues as I head back home to the States.  


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