Monday, December 23, 2013

Prayer for those who Mourn --- this season.

Wishing each of you a Merry Christmas.  I will post again on the 26th.
 Taking time out to spend time with my daughters and family.  
Christmas is a time for giving, (it should be throughout the year), not just the gifts but give of yourself.It is also the time of rejoicing our Savior's birth, the best gift of all, this world was ever given
But, tonight, I want to talk about time with our loved ones and friends and how that is a gift that we most often take for granted.
 Time is short and as I watch the news and see the postings of so much loss.. It's sad. Right now, I am grieving for the loss of someone very special to me.. I have been sitting around thinking back of all the talks we have shared and I find myself in uncontrollable tears and how much I miss him,but I am not the only one grieving.There is a family that has lost the most precious part of their lives and my prayers and thoughts are with them, most of all. As my thoughts and prayers go to everyone suffering the loss this season.   As the pain is great at the moment, we can never forget that we never walk this path alone. The Lord carries our deepest burdens and believing in him we shall never parish.

 Prayers for Those Who Mourn

 Bless those that Mourn,eternal God
 With the comfort of your Love 
 That they may  face each new day with hope
 And the certainty that nothing can destroy
 the good that has been given.  May their
 memories become joyful, their days enriched
 with friendship,and their lives encircled 
 by your Love.

(1991 Vienna Cobb Anderson, Adapted from "Prayers of Our Hearts"

Merry Christmas!!!



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