Monday, November 4, 2013

Health care

As I have sat and listened to all of this Health care debate. My take on this whole thing is -- it's crap.

No, not saying that we do not need some type of reform, because we truly do. I have spent more than 25 years in Hcare  industry and know firsthand how difficult it is for a family/individual dealing with the enormous rise of care in our country.
There are many things we can do besides turning our country into socialist nation, which never-ever works.  We can, in my opinion,  reform Mcare and Mcaid, deal with fraud and waste in those areas. We can bring about Tort reform (that is an enormous waste/abuse), we should be able to shop around from state to state for insurance(I know when I was shopping for insurance a few years ago, I was told that if I had been in Ohio or Idaho my premiums would cost me about $100.00 less) this would bring competition and lower cost as well. We can set up Hcare Savings account... Also get rid of all the  regulations, untie the doctors and hospitals hands so they can do what they are suppose to do.. care for patients.We also, need to deal with the cost of the medications.
I have many ideas on helping our healthcare system.. People it needs fixing and it's going to take all of us to make it happen with our politicians. Doesn't matter which side of the fence you sit on.. We can get this done without touching on socialism or communism .... We have the greatest country in the world and we need to keep it great.


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