Friday, November 8, 2013

Love and Being in Love

Love and being in love are totally different in my opinion. 

We can love many at any given time. They can be friends or lovers. You can love for many reasons and love many for different reasons.You can love one for the hair or their body or how they speak and love another for how they are with you or their eyes or maybe even how they make you laugh.

I have loved a great deal of guys/men at one time or another. No, I didn't date that much, so many of them were my guy friends. I loved them all; differently. I had the best times with "my guys". Always fun to "hang" with and they were always protective and always when I needed my friends to talk to, they would be there.

Being in love is something more profound, sacred, special between two people. Loving someone with everything you are and have. Every time you look at one another there is an instant smile and longing for a touch. And when you kiss;you see skyrockets.When you are apart; you feel empty inside and can't stop thinking about them. It's simply a feeling that sends shivers to your core with knowing that the person beside you; loves you too.


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