Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The day the dryer goes out.

What started out as a hectic day to begin, it only became worse. I had put some towels in the dryer to dry and had gone in to check on them.. NOOO.. They were stone cold.  I started the dryer again, thinking, maybe I had not put them on a high heat. Went back, same thing. Dang.(I shall not repeat what I truly said)..

Okay, I thought to myself. No red light coming from behind as it should be, I think, and no heat inside, could be the heating element. Don't ask me how I know that, I have no idea. Anyway, I look at the dryer as if it were something from outer space and searching for a clue to where it could be and what the heck it looked like.  . I said to myself.. "Hell Google it". I did and what do you know they had a you tube video on replacing the heating element on the dryer.. By this time you can guess, what I am thinking .. Yes, if you were thinking this little red head was about to try and repair it herself... Correct..

I pulled the dryer from the wall, yes, I did by the way, unplug it and started looking at the little screws and how many there were. I had to go and buy another wrench set to fit. I came home watched the video again and set out to tackle this beast. All the screws out and back panel off.. I began to unplug the wires to the heating element to remove it. It wasn't as easy as the video had said but I finally did it.

I  called an appliance store and asked if they carried heating elements for my type of dryer, they did, but one snag.. where was the model number?  Lady, I said, " I have taken this thing apart and found all sorts of numbers and wires and such but no model number, now where do I find that?'.. She replies, "open the door and it should be right there." I chuckled and said I would call her back with the number.. All the way back to the dryer, I kept saying now why didn't I think to look in the door, dummy.. found the number called her back and they have exactly what I need.. I am going to repair this beast on my own tomorrow.  Pictures to follow after repaired.. Who says a girly girl can't do anything but shop?? 


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