Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's hot in here...... that menopausal train.

As women get older. There is no way of getting around menopause.(I am not quite there, yet)

 Yes, that mood swinging, hot flashing and our ever loving hormones we have had all our lives start leaving us as though they came in to visit and cause chaos most months and then one day, they up and leave. Now, this is odd, sounds a lot like having kids.  :)

When all these wonderful symptoms start happening all you can do is sit back and let it happen. No stopping this train.  Up and down. hot then cold. weight gain then lose weight. halo then the horns.

What is good about this blasted curse other than no more periods?  I always remember our menstrual cycles being called the curse, that was just an annoyance that came once a month compared to this comes and stays like a relative No offense to my wonderful relatives. And, yes, I call it the curse because when you are going through one of those heat seeking missiles known as a hot flash, you feel as if you are in the bowels of hell.

When one of these little missiles comes calling on me. I go through my  'Lucy' phase... you know that Vitametavegamen commercial.. "Boy, it's hot in here". Yes, that would be me. The daze in the eyes, the head feels as if it is turning around , the mouth, well depends on what mood comes through and at times, I add a new word to the dictionary. And all my poor girls can say is "Mom, are you done, yet?" Those mood swings, I can go from 0 to 60 in a flash. Geez, enough already. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

And on another note. I have had a partial hysterectomy at the age of 29, you can tell about how long I've been on this roller coaster. Hell, I would have a much better time and fun on a real roller coaster.

So, to all of you women out there. No stopping this train. When it starts rolling down your track of life, hang on cause' you are going to have on heck of a ride.


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