Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Costumes, Haunted Houses, Candy corn, Ghost, Witches..  It must be Halloween..

I love seeing all the kids and some of us older people dressing up for parties or just trick or treating around the ole' neighborhood. 

I am going to quote a saying from a book I read many, many years ago while at Lawhon Elementary School in East Tupelo, MS. I can't put an excerpt because I can not remember the name of the book, but I have always remembered this quote

"Blood and Bones, Bones and Blood. Here You are in the Witches Wood;
No use to run or try to hide; Cause' many men than you have died;
Draw that magic circle round and here you are Safe and Sound... He-He-He"..(witches cackle)

Have a safe and well treated evening..


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