Friday, November 15, 2013

Who is your favorite?

My girls have a running bet on which one is the favorite. I get the question, especially, when  they are together and corner me. "Okay, mom. We are going to settle this. Which one of us is your favorite?"
I look at them as they smile and look at one another and I reply... "I don't have a favorite.All of you are my favorite." Now you should know that doesn't fly very well.   

I go through this all the time. I love each of them. I keep telling them even though they are different individuals; my love for them comes from a stand point of the differences in them.  

My oldest is my favorite for her being the first. Having her "first"; I became a mother. 
My middle daughter well, she was the favorite for her being the 1st child with my husband.
My baby girl the favorite because she is the baby. And of course, they are favorite in many other ways because of the differences in them.  

I keep telling them that God gave each of them to me to love and protect and though at times when I had to spend that "extra" time with each of them, doesn't mean that they are the favorite but it's because the Lord felt they needed that special time from me to help them grow.    Now as you can imagine, this sinks faster than the Titanic.  

One would think as they get older it would cease. Noooooo, not my girls. This is the one subject for which they get mom flustered.  They do it fun mind you,   :)  

Oh joy, comes the holidays and I get cornered like a little rat.   Hey, does anyone have an invisible pill??  


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