Friday, November 22, 2013

"Did I just do that?" :)

Do you find yourself doing stupid, crazy little things?  Afterwards, you out into the wild blue yonder and say, "What" or "Did I really just do that"??  Raise your hand...   Come on all of you in the internet world.. 
Well, I will be the first hand to raise.  I have put clothes in the dryer and my cat was in there... Poor little thing. I kept hearing a bump in my dryer and thought maybe I had some tennis shoes in to dry. But couldn't find out where the cat was that was just screaming until, I went into the garage to look for the cat and ... ding ding.. it hit me .. OH no the cat is in the dryer.. nooo couldn't be. Oh yes. I opened the door to the dryer and poor Violet,she couldn't get out quick enough. Don't worry, she was fine just shaken. 
And I always think that "R" on the gear shift means... none other than RUN.. thank goodness nothing is in front of me when it happens, I would have a stake in just about everything in this town if there had been. :)  Don't laugh, surely, some of you have done this at least once? yesss? 
I have answered my house phone and said, "Good morning,this is Bobbie, How may I help you?"  
I have also been in a certain store and at check out, I write the name of their competitor in the PayTo line.  "Sorry, did I just do that?" 
I do silly little things as this a good deal of the time. I get frustrated at one of my girls and then can't remember the name and I turn into my mother.... bless her with 5 kids; she would look at us and say each name but the name she wanted. Then afterwards, she would say in frustration "You know who you are, dammit".  I do that, actually do. My girls usually come check my forehead. :) 
I have actually spilled a big huge bowl of turnip greens when I was a waitress; all over the head of a young man (he was in his church clothes)... Oh, no.. did I just do that?  And that is nothing compared to the day as I was throwing our Hot buttered rolls and cornbread to our patrons; I reared back, threw that steaming,hot buttered roll and it slid (literally) slid over the bald head of the man sitting at the table in front of the intended. (part of being too short) ...
I guess I am trying to say on this rainy Friday, that we need to take things in stride and instead of getting angry with the silly little things we find ourselves doing; just laugh it off and say, "Did I just do that?"  


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