Saturday, November 30, 2013


Started my Christmas shopping today.. It wasn't so bad out there, but of course, it was still early yet. I am marking off the lists line by line and hopefully, will not leave anything out, this year. The list from the girls' are getting shorter but that short list is getting more expensive.. :)  
I even had to go scoping for the 4-legged girls, especially the "Diva".. she snoops under the tree every year and when I show her which gift is hers, the little toot keeps dragging it out from under the tree.. She is so spoiled, but just wait until Christmas, she is always helping unwrap everyone's gifts,thinking that we have hidden another one for her...
A few Santa's were at their post and children already in a line to see them. i remember taking our girls to see the jolly ole fella. Seemed as if we stayed in line for hours only to get up there and our baby start to cry as soon as he said Hello and then my oldest would talk and talk to make sure Santa did not forget anything on her list.
I know this can be a hectic time but if we take the time to set back and try to take it in stride and remember that the gifts are just a small part of the big day that is coming; Christ our Lord is the true reason and family time, gathering around the tree and or table for great food, talk and laughter... and always song and someone would come around with "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and we all sat with eyes glowing and ears listening for that jolly old man and his reindeer. I sing to my girls to this day at Christmas time and always giving praise to what the season really means.. yeah, the gifts are fine... but the true reason is always looking down on us, on Christmas Day and everyday.  


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