Thursday, November 21, 2013

Catching up

Good Morning. Hope this day finds you well. 

These times, we live in, they are amazing with technology that we have. The computer and  internet is reachable all over the world. Amazing how just with one push of a button, you can talk to someone across the world or look up anything you need or want. 
I say this, in lieu of finding old friends that have long been lost and now are here again.  
When my generation was growing up the only catching up we had was either meeting them out while "cruising" or seeing them in the hallway at school... and if you had a house phone-blow that thing up everyday. :) 
I have caught up to a few friends from my old high school (Mooreville High School) in Mississippi and it's nice catching up with how our lives are now as to they were when we were kids trying to make it through high school and wandering where I lives were leading us. Most of us have been/still married and our jobs/careers have changed a time or two. We or most of us have children... even some of us (not me) have grand children.. Man, are you kidding me? Old enough to have grand children? How time flies. It's funny though, cause, when we are catching up, we most always reflect back to those times of youth and how they were so different as to opposed to today. So much at our fingertips now, nothing is really personable anymore, just occasions. 
If someone at one time in your life was special to you... look them up and say hello and tell them how special they were in touching your world.  It could be the start of a whole new friendship.  


1 comment:

  1. I followed one of your blog links from twitter and the next thing I knew I had finished reading your "Catching Up" essay with tears rolling down my cheeks. No, I did not see it coming! You are special and beautiful to have touched me in such a way. Thank you.
    ChasD3 (twitter name)
