Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Holistic care for Pulled Neck Muscle

I have added two separate sites for pulled neck muscles. I have so many clients that come in for this issue that I want to post this for your view.  Most often you will not need the help of conventional medicine if not brought on by injury such as whiplash. 
After reviewing the clients intake form on history and medications, I will do a physical assessment to also see if they are using correct posture. Posture can play a great factor in back and neck strain.
With the massage, I ask of the pressure on the area, never do you want to massage or touch without asking the type of pressure, too much can do more harm to an already painful area. 
After the massage, I always advice them on how to help themselves if they can't get into to see me. I am not a physician so my scope of practice is to never diagnose or prescribe but I can advise on my holistic approach, but usually I do ask that they ask their physicians before any type of exercises, if they have already been to see a physician and being treated with certain medications. also, using lavender oil which is great for pain and eucalyptus oil is great for inflammation on those areas is great. Always caution them not to use the oil directly on the skin,depending on the person or oil, it can irritate the skin. I use it in my massage oils/creams or use in bath. Hot and cold packs always good for those overused/overstretched muscles. I also, give them light stretching exercises to do, these can be done any where and takes as little as 4 minutes to help aide you in your recovery.
This is for my sweet cousin that sent me a text this morning on her neck issue. I hope this helps her and anyone who feels that neck area tightening up and causing one bad day.




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