Friday, November 29, 2013

What does it say for you?

How can some people come into your world and seem to drive you to distraction? 
You give your everything and they seem to take what they want and then by the flick of a wand, they are gone or treat you badly.
What does that say for us? Does it show weakness? Does it show that we are gullible? Or just that we are "stupid stamped", for allowing them in our lives in the first place??
Whatever you call it and however your actions to their non/reactions is up to the individual. We are only human.. We can lash out, keep it inside, pitch a tizzy of a fit, smile, cry or a number of things that help us cope.  We decide, most often times, we go about our vindications  the wrong way, but as I said earlier,we are only human.  I guess it depends on how much we invested in that relationship with that person, whether it be a friend, a co-worker or lover, husband or relative. At times, we find ourselves down the road of anger, more so,than needed but it happens.
The "Good Book" states that God made us in his own image and I find  this fascinating. I have to ask, putting aside science, when that pop of thunder and lightning comes across the sky and makes you hold your ears and stand and take notice, is this where the Lord has had enough and this his lashing out or when the rain falls down, could it be the Lord crying out for the love of the people? 
Back to my questions of us and those we let in---- I don't think it means that at all, even though, we feel that way.  It shows that we are compassionate and have a heart for our fellow man/woman and whether it be friend, family, lover, relative.. we try the best we can. Is there such a thing as loving or giving to much for those we have invested in??


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