Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Hos many times have we heard that one? 
I remember going around the room listening to the answers whether it would be in school or with a group of friends, just hanging out talking.  Back then, the answers seems so simple. Most would be doctor, nurse, teacher and at times, you might get a snicker from the crowd when someone said astronaut or scientist. Or even in that rare moment President or Princess. These were our skies the limit, so to speak. We did not know what computers were and most of us didn't have home telephones let alone a cell phone and a car phone, you must have been super rich.
These were all good answers. Today, when asked ....  there would be a different answer from most.   
Times change and people change with living and learning a bit more and it would be interesting to know if what we decided back then would or is the same as today. Some yes... some no... 
But of all the answers in my 50 years... NOT one have I heard--- I want to just be fortunate to grow up, get older, or to be a good mom/dad, or to be respected. Not to take anything from the previous answers, they are all good and inspiring.
For of all the money or whatever title we strive to seek, the only thing we carry with us is our NAME. And without a good name, it really doesn't matter what you grow up to be--- We have nothing...  


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