Sunday, April 13, 2014

Facial Massage- Relaxation and Aging..

Not only is a facial massage relaxing but it helps in the aging process.

Facial Massage Tips

| By Kathy Mayse
Facial Massage Tips
Facial Massage Tips Photo Credit Santy Gibson/Demand Media


If you are not massaging your face at home, you are missing out on one of the best beauty regimens around. The numerous benefits associated with facial massage include increased facial muscle tone; wrinkle reduction; a brighter, more even complexion; reduction of fluid and puffinesspuffiness; softer skin; and increased skin cell renewal. Bottom line: Facial massage should be a part of your everyday beauty routine.

Frequency and Duration

Facial Massage Tips
Photo Credit Santy Gibson/Demand Media
Perform a short facial massage each time you apply your moisturizer. Two to three minutes twice a day is all it takes to get all the benefits of a facial massage. If you cannot commit to two sessions per day, perform a five-minute massage in the morning. A good morning massage expedites fluid drainage and jump-starts circulation, making massage the best way to decrease puffinesspuffiness and energize your skin.

Massage Creams

Facial Massage Tips
Photo Credit Santy Gibson/Demand Media
You can use your regular moisturizer to simplify your routine and limit the amount of oils and creams you need to buy. The main reason for using a cream during massage is to provide enough lubrication so your fingers slide easily over your skin without pulling or tugging. If you do not use a daily moisturizer, you can substitute with common household oils. Olive oil mixed with a few drops of lemon oil works for oily skinoily skin. Other oils that can be used on the face include sesame, almond, grapeseed, marula and sunflower. Heavy oils such as olive oil and jojoba oil need to be mixed with thinner oils or a thinning agent such as lemon juice before use.

Massage Technique

Facial Massage Tips
Photo Credit Santy Gibson/Demand Media
While there are many massage techniques and routines to choose from, they all follow the same guidelines. Massage in an upward motion on your chin and neck, move upward and outward on your cheeks, and move straight across your forehead in a zigzag motion. Circle around your eye from the inside brow area toward the outside brow area, and then move under the eyes in a single sweeping motion from the outer corners to the inner corners.

The Right Pressure

Facial Massage Tips
Photo Credit Santy Gibson/Demand Media
Use minimal pressure. The delicate skin and muscles of the face should be handled with the utmost care. Slide your fingers over your skin in a light, feathery motion. Avoid placing too much pressure on the skin. If you can feel tugging, you are using too much pressure.

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