Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What If

What If:--- There was real magic in this world? Not anything evil---the only "bad" or "evil" magic is what is done to harm. 
What if---- There is a Fountain of Youth? How many of us would go?
What if--- There is another space in Time? 
What if--- There were no more computers? Could you survive?
What if--  Love can survive the test of time?  How long is eternity? 
What if--- Aliens do walk among us? Could they be your friends, neighbors?
What if---We have lived before? 
What if--- You and you alone could save the world?  Would you?
What if-- You could build a stairway to Heaven?  Would you?
What if ---There were no more wars?  How different would our World be?
What if--- There could be Peace? 
What if--- There were no more lights, heat, cars? What would you do?
What if---- There were no more Hope? Would we be lost forever?
What if ---- There were no more Faith? What could we look to?
What if--- There were no more Hate? now wouldn't this be wonderful
What if--- I say to you today, that Evil is walking among us?  Would you believe?

To all these What If's.. What is your thought? How would you feel if all that you have come to know was not real at all... 
All these above; Is up to each and every one of us to know those answers. To what we've been told or taught; the truth or lie or maybe even a myth. .. Yes, I know some of them seem beyond possible... like building a stairway to Heaven, but look back to the Bible to the Tower of Babel (at one time it was a possibility). 
I sit sometimes and think to myself what if............  there are lots of what if's......    but maybe it should be under the category of would have, should have and could have?....Not, in my book..   What If  could be a possibility or a probability.......   The latter is What I should have/could have or would have done is a fact long gone--- time you can never get back.  
I want to bank my thoughts on What if...   could be or is to be. What is the saying........  ? Everything is Possible, If you can Believe".. 

Something to ponder over...


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