Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The time my Thingamabob went out.. :)

One day, my car was acting up and I didn't want to drive very far. I picked up the phone book and let my fingers do the walking... found one name that popped out at me and I called... 
And of course, grant you, I have no idea what is the problem and again... I am not there so how in the heck would he know, right? Well I had to try.   
A mechanic answered and I commenced to tell him my slight car problems and as to he replied... "What is it doing?"   'Well, I said, "it is making a noise that i haven't heard before". "okay" he says, "What noise"  "sort of a rickety bump bump noise".."I don't know if it's mythingamabob messing up or something wrong with my motor. He snickers and says "not sure what noise that is or what a thingamabob is but do you know where it is coming from?"  "sort of in the area of the radiator"... "no it's not over heating and no it's not hissing, I know what a hissing is".....  After a back and forth he starts laughing and says to me bring it in and we will take a look at it.... 
I pull into the station and tell the first man that comes to my aide what my problem is..........  "Oh, you are the one with the rickety bump bump... with a grin and of course I said... "yes"... "Pull the hood and start your car and I will check".   By this time I have 2 more guys out looking for my thingamabob and asking each other if they hear a rickety noise.. as to i look over and say, "okay, guys, do i look as if i know what is going on under that hood?" " don't know oil stick from a drive shaft"..
After a moment of sheer laughter at my expense, they tell me there was something knocked loose of something under there and tightened it up.
 It's funny how when they ask you what noise is it making and you commence to show them with your most utmost profound expressions and these guys dang well know there is no way to really tell. I am convinced they love the entertainment.
Yes, they worked on my car before and I knew one or two of them...They enjoyed a laugh at my expense. :)  

Ladies... know your thingamabobs and thingamajigs and your noises...... 


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