Monday, May 5, 2014

My first KISS---- Ewww


I do! Now remember this was early to mid 70's and things were quite different back then.  Then, some of us girls at the young age of 8 to 10 thought of little boys as being pest.. and always being a pain in the butt..

I was chased down by a boy, almost all day--- I had eluded him but by night fall he had a plan of attack. His cousins and a few friends cornered me and threw me down on the ground, cause I was not going to let some boy come near me with his slobbering mouth. I was kicking and screaming and in for the smooch he went.After that smack on my lips he let me up and said, "Now how was that?"  "Icky, I said and I don't want to do it again".... He went in for the kill again when one of his friends said.. "There's another one' and off he went, running so fast it looked as if his heels were kicking his butt as he scurried off... As I ran home, I watched as the poor girl endured the same fate as I .... Ewwww... but glad it wasn't me... 

Now at this time, I wasn't even a teenager and wasn't interested in boys, I had brothers and thought boys were icky and gross and someone to yell mama about.. Boys were made of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

 As I got older, I changed my mind real quick. Boys/men still a huge pain in the neck but kissing them is quite another matter.  I have had a few since then.. ;)


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