Monday, April 14, 2014

Cherish the Time and Youth

When I was younger. I loved going into the woods.. Just me, all by myself and sometimes with my sister or some friends.We/I would go for hours just walking around. At times, getting lost and trying to find my/our way home but always seeming to see where my/our feet would take me/us.  
Those times seem so different than today and to all of you young ones, just because it's 2014, the 70's wasn't so long ago.  Those times seemed much more innocent. Sure, things happened all over the world as they do now; we just didn't have the access to know all the world's troubles or triumphs. 
The woods were my/our safe haven .. could be a fort to ward off the Indians or could have been new world we/I were discovering for the first time or sometimes, we would, in the Fall, gather the leaves up and make a house. We had so much fun. 
The little woodland creatures would come alive while I/we were there. The birds would sing to us or we would see a deer watching off in the distance and we often laughed at the squirrels scampering about as we would gather their acorns and use them in our "play time". 
Those days are gone and the age of innocence lost. Our kids have no clue of sitting by a campfire or hanging out just laughing and carrying on (not saying even in my day; we didn't have drugs or gangs or alcohol; we dealt with it a different way). At times, I miss those days of youth and all the silliness and imagination that came with it. I cherish those memories. I cherish those times of youth. 


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