Friday, April 4, 2014

Stormy Weather

Being awakened by the thunder this morning and then hearing the rain start to pour down, reminded me of when I was a young girl at home with my family.  My dad was always watching the skies and seems that every flash of lightning and pop of thunder would take us to the storm shelter. 

I feel as if I spent a good portion of my life in those shelters, keeping safe from the storms. It didn't make a difference what time of morning or night it was..... A pop and a flash and there we went.  And don't get me started on the storm shelters... when you got there you were crammed in like sardines.  

It is funny that none of us have taken our dad's attitude on the stormy skies, yes, we are mindful of how they can get but we aren't rushing for the underground as we were as kids.   

I like the storms.I welcome them. I do keep safe. When those violent storms have pushed through, I have made sure to have my daughters'safe as I watched the skies above.  I have been through lots of tornadoes and know how violent they are and yet I am unafraid. I don't know why. Maybe it could be stemming from when I was a youngster. 

I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest, a threat of a tornado closed us down a bit early at McRae's and as I had to drive a good ways away, the supervisors would say now, 'Bobbie if you hear the sound of a train rumbling, we want you to stop your car and lay in the ditch'. Mind you, that would have been a feat to watch, I was as pregnant as a whale  While driving down the street off Green St. near the industrial area of Tupelo Campus of ICC and Ole Miss, the traffic was getting heavy due to people either heading for shelter or home. The rain pouring down and the flashes of light were seeming to get a bit close; I was patting my belly telling my little one inside that every thing would be okay..... All of a sudden I heard what sounded like a roaring noise of a train..... Oh, No, I began to panic... This can not be happening. I am here in the dark and in my car and it's pouring down. I shut off my radio and kept listening, yep it was a roaring of the train......  So, what did I do... pull my car over to the side of the road and start to get out to head for the ditch, right?  Well, just as soon as I stopped the car and opened the door ..........what do you think I saw.???   A blooming choo choo train blowing his whistle and racing down the track.... Yes, it was. I was in the rain soaking wet and that train made it's presence. I was quite relieved but also a bit teed off with me standing in the rain getting soaked to the bone... That night, I laughed and cried at the same time and got back into my car and made my way home.   Needless to say from that moment on.... I watch the skies but I don't run for the hills.. I trust my gut to when I should take shelter from the storms. 

On that note----- Be mindful where you are and keep your eyes to the skies and most of all Keep Safe... What I do is for me and mine and by no means would I tell you to have the same mindset.

 Dear Lord, Bless those in harms way and keep them safe in your arms.  ..   


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