Monday, January 20, 2014

Yes, it can

What do you think?  
I say, yes it can! When you find that someone that makes you feel as if you are the only one and with every conversation, makes you want more and more.. To see the smile, hear the voice.........  longing for them when they are not around.   
A love affair doesn't necessarily mean a sexual affair. It's much deeper than that. Two souls finding one another in some of the most incredible and yet not the norm ways but yet they do.. They grow and can't seem to stay away.....every moment they are away from the conversation of you...... they hurt....   their words help bring you back to your senses.... at at times, in anger, their words can drive you to distraction... but yet, that's okay......  You are their's and they are your's..... 
A love that can stand the test of time.


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