Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Being late.

Do you feel like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? Seems you can't ever be on time for anything. 
Most of us feel this way, even I do at times. I don't think it has anything do with the character of the person 
but it is just how they are. You always know which of your friends or colleagues that's always late, you can set your watch by them.   
I have a sister, (nameless), Becky (clearing throat), you could give her 6 hours to get ready, back in the day, and she still would be late. I had a friend or a few friends the same way. Take them forever to get dressed and still late for the occasion.  Me, I am early or on time. I can't stand arriving somewhere late. It makes me feel unprepared and unprofessional. But that is just me, who I am. 
I understand the stuck in traffic or my child is sick or car has a flat or will not start and I have had this one many times, my baby just spit up on me... but again, I was on time. I had been prepared to when that could happen and I had a change of clothes on ready, if it were bad enough or a nice little wet one with some type of cleaner that would mask the job.  That's just me... 
Things I do when I want to make sure I am on time....... set my clock about 30(more) minutes ahead.. Get my coffee, shower and dressed......out the door, I go. Last week, I had a dental check up and I got up did all my normal day things and started cleaning. I looked at my clock and said to myself, I have about an hour before I need to be there.... what did I do? start cleaning around in the kitchen.. next thing, I looked down at my watch and saw that it was now 8:28 and I had to be at the dentist by 9am.  I did some fast stepping, I made it to the dentist about 10 minutes before 9.  No, I did not speed and still made it on time.  
I am not sure what can help you with 'lateness'; if you are the one that is always perpetually late. You can try the clock thing, but if you happen to be like one of my daughters', she feels it gives her more time to have time and still usually rushes out that door.  
As I said before, I don't think this is or it's for me, a character flaw.....   it's just how the person is....Their internal clocks are just wound differently.. We love you nonetheless. 


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