Friday, January 31, 2014

Take an adventure

Have you ever thought about just getting away? #Takinganadventure? I have and did.
My adventure was #Ireland. I spent 10 days in this amazingly, beautiful country.  I beat all odds and had the 
determination of seeing this country.  
I will go more into this later on but for now, I want to just touch on some of the places we visited. #Dublin was huge and so busy. Trying to drive into the city was a feat within itself, thank goodness #Rachel was young and seem to have no fear, especially driving on the opposite side of the streets.. When we finally arrived to the hotel, we took a stroll around the area.. I bet we walked more than 20 blocks and could have kept walking. We were in awe of this beautiful place.. But dang was it so cold. We stopped in the oldest pub built and had lunch then out again;looking around. Every street was something new to see and absolutely beautiful. The people were nice. 
#PowersCourt was .. words cannot tell you how beautiful these grounds were. Huge estate, lovely gardens and the ponds and statutes were something out of a movie or picture book, but it was real. I could not get enough, but again, dang it was cold, about that time, i was wishing i had brought my trench coat.. :)  
#WaterFord was a special place. We visited the #WaterFordCrystal buliding. You have to see this;how they make these amazing pieces from start to finish. How long they have to apprentice to be able to work on them and what they do to make them as you see on the shelf. 
#BlarneyCastle. Oh my lord, just a shell of itself but still an awesome site. I could take my imagination back to a time where i could see or imagine how it once was. The dining room, the cooks room, the bedrooms. I went through the dungeon a bit until it became too dark and too small  for me to climb through, i became a bit frightening and crawled back out to catch up to my young friend.  We walked all over that castle and found our way up to the #BlarneyStone.." Holy cow, you want me to lay how and reach where to kiss what?"  "You are gonna hold me, right? " I kissed it.. :)  then we went around on the grounds to a #PoisonGarden, yes, you heard me, a poison garden.. It was a site to see.  
We made our way to the #NationalPark we walked and became lost(walked off the beaten path,you could say) and walked and walked for hours.. There were 11,000sq miles of that park and I believe we walked every inch of it and more trying to find our way back to where we parked.  Rode on my first #Jaunt ( believe that is how you spell it) how wonderful that horse was and the driver was a talker, but damn it was so cold and by that time my blasted camera and phone ran out of juice and no pictures other than with Rachel's , she brought , thankfully, she had a better one and let me take some pictures .. thank you , thank you.. 
We drove #TheRingofKerry, it was oh Jesus, I found my coming to Jesus moments going down that road.  I have to hand it to the bus drivers that make it through those tiny curves. We were in the car and almost kissed a few stone walls along the way. Sheep running down or up the road, how on earth? It was fun to see. 
#TheCliffsofMoher you gotta stop and see this one.. I felt as if I were on top of the world and as I was standing alone at one point.. I stopped and looked up to the heaven's and said to my mom.. "Mom, I made it. The trip we talked about for so long and wanted to take, I am here and I know you are here with me on this journey. The journey we wanted to take , to walk the same places as our family before us. I wish you were here in the physical sense, but I know you are with me and in my heart, you are with me on this incredible journey". 
When you do travel to #Ireland.. you need to stay in Bed and Breakfast. They are so great and the food; you can't beat it. We saw some great places and wonderful people along the way and as I do plan on going back, I know that I can't replace the steps that I made this journey. We got lost several times but found our way and along that way, some of the most beautiful countryside you could ever see.. And the man on the horse was right. 50 shades of grey..... Ireland has 50 shades of green... everywhere was green. 
Take a journey, take an adventure. Take time out to find yourself.


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