Wednesday, January 15, 2014


You know all those New Year resolutions that you made and said to yourself this year, I'm gonna keep them?   Yeah, right.. Great intentions to start out a new year with new ideas and new prospects and maybe new people or job in and around your world.  
Not to say that some you may keep and make happen but others will fall to the wayside as they usually do... especially the get in shape, lose a bit of weight.. I gave up that one year's ago.. Not that I don't try to get back into my full 99 pound form........  so I am 10 lbs. more.....  not too bad.....  right?  right??  
I feel that if we try to at least live our lives in a way that it makes us a better person inside and out, let the resolutions fall as they may.  I mean they are fun to make to see if you will or how many you will keep but truly how many of us really do all the things we "resolute" to do during the new year? 
I say, live your life, healthy and go for  a little more wealthy (whether that be a few more dollars or thousands of dollars, whichever makes you happy) and be a whole lot wiser and each of us will be just fine. 
Live for today....... 

Thanks -------

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