Thursday, January 9, 2014

Saying goodbye......

To finally say goodbye to the hardest thing to do. One moment they are here the next they are gone. No more to see or touch or hear. 
My heart is still very heavy but realizing this is the end. Heart breaks, tears fall and the mind goes into many directions as so the emotions.  I have not wanted to say goodbye because I could not find it real and as long as I kept telling myself he's not gone, he wasn't gone. But, I am only hurting myself , I'm selfish, wanting him back. But I know he's no longer in pain or anguish over what to do. 
You see, he was so unhappy with where his life was and that he felt he was only a shell of a man with his illness. He was a good man and I for one miss him greatly. 
Rest in peace Bill Browning, I know that sweet face has no frowns now. You are as you should be but I wish it could have been here on Earth.   Walk those streets of gold, my friend. And if I listen closely, I bet I 
will hear the roar of a motorcycle engine. You can rest easy that you have no choices to make. 
As I sit here with tears and hard to say goodbye... You will always have a special place in my heart and my memories of you are full. I just wish it could have been more and more time.   
Thank you for so much you gave me and my life is ever changed because of knowing you. One day my sweet.. One day.......You are gone but never will be forgotten. 


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