Friday, January 24, 2014

A little memory

As I lay here, my mind goes back to a time as a little girl watching tv with my mother. She would wake me up in the middle of the night while everyone else was sleeping to watch old movies with her. Mom and I would be there with eyes closed or hands over the face to keep from watching the vampire going for the throat or the werewolf tearing into someone. And it didn't matter if she had seen the movie before, each time she watched it, it would be something new to her. She loved movies. I can't tell you how many times we have watched the old Dracula or Werewolf or Frankenstein or a Charlie Chan movie, countless Laurel and Hardy or old western movie (one of her favorite actors Audy Murphy, she watched just about everything he made). She said the movies were her escape or her journey or another emotion, that afterwards would give or bring her another outlook. I close my eyes and I can see her now, sitting on the floor with me or we made a pallet to sit on and would be waiting for the movie to come on. Her eyes were so wide, you could almost see them sparkle and her hair would be draping around her face. She seemed almost child-like, so pretty. They say;as you grow older you start remembering the days of old. Some memories good and some not so good. Well, with me, tonight, watching 'Murder, She Wrote' and about to watch 'Perry Mason' somehow pulled this little memory out. I would give anything to be able to share that special time with my mom again. We weren't able to have many of those moments but this was our time and even during the times when I complained about being wakened,they were still special. This was just one of my special memories with a special person in my life. She may not be here physically for me to touch, but every time I close my eyes, I can see her and her child-like ways and I know that she is probably sitting here watching these great programs with me. Thank you for letting me share this one private moment. Thanks------

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