Thursday, January 23, 2014

Walk through the door

When one door closes another one opens.  That is true in every case. There is usually a reason for  the people that come into our lives or things that happen .. by chance or by design.. 
Whatever the circumstance of that one door closing trust the reason though it may be unclear at the moment, is/was necessary for growth or some lesson to learn. We always fear the unknown of walking through that next door or chapter in our lives.but once we go through, we often find ourselves in a much better place.  It could be a new job, new friend, new house or new love. Each of us, right now, have just closed a door in our lives and most of us already know the next door/chapter to walk to and others of us are still seeking that next door. Don't look back .........backwards was a learning phase and only moving forward can we grow and teach.
All of our journey's we take can lead us to the path of being much happier and wiser and a life of no regrets... that is if we choose it... Embrace that new door and walk through without fear, you might be surprised at what you find.  


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