Friday, June 24, 2016


One of those moments- kinda day-.. 

Have you ever?  Out shopping and you know or you think you know where you parked? Find your car and open the door, sit down and look up to see a car that is exactly the color and make of yours and for one brief moment you look to make sure you are in the correct car?  I took the keys and was about to insert them in the ignition and looked up to find my little car sitting adjacent to me or was it, dummy me. I sat there like a knot on the log thinking I had gotten into the wrong car, Again, until I saw the lei hanging from the rearview mirror..   a sigh of relief and a YOU DUMBA##! started my car and went on my way, just shaking my head..

One other time, I was shopping with my girls and we were talking and walked to the back of the car opened it and started putting  the groceries in the back when all of a sudden one of my girls says that she didn't think this was our car...  I politely replied that it was and kept on shoving in the bags when all of a sudden, I looked up toward the front of the car and I gave a little yell..  and said "Girls this isn't our car"..  "We told you"..   but where in the heck was ours??  It was a row over. 

I go off in my own little world at times and I have tunnel vision. This was one of those days.   I just have to laugh at myself and shake my head.   What is next? :) 

Thanks ------


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