Friday, May 30, 2014

A Mother

The moment our first child is born--- we become---- a Mother...

Never again will there be one but always with another.  The moment we see that tiny little creature 
we fall in love.
Mother's are the first to be our friends, our playmates, our nurses and our teachers. A Mother's job is never done. Always working until the moment she can lay her head on a pillow and close her eyes; even if it is to be a nap. 
A Mother rarely gets the respect she deserves but is one to hardly complain.... ( but remember the saying "When momma ain't happy.. ain't nobody happy") This is the motto in a lot of households. 
A Mother loves with all her heart. She is often asked if more than one child; "who is your favorite? " We reply as only a mother would/can "All of you are my favorite" "each of you bring to me something different and unique and to that you are all very special and favorite to me".  which usually that gives a crooked eye but they leave it for another day. And when the times are difficult for their young, a Mother will be the first to defend and protect. She will put herself in front on anyone for her child.   
A Mother should be a superhero (Super Mom)  As a child, we think she can do anything. One moment she is cooking and the next she is ironing a shirt on the ironing board all the while setting the table for dinner or breakfast.  A Mother can also be a police woman, she is always on guard "policing" , if you will, her home to try and keep her young one on the straight and narrow.  
A Mother is everything to us when we are young and much more when we grow older. When we are young, we are caught up in mom being everywhere in our business, taking us places and making us do things around the house or yard that we don't want to do but "it's for a reason and that reason will be known when you grow up and have children of your own", they say. You know??  A Mother is right. You do achieve that knowledge when you become a mother.. "That's what she meant"..  When we are older, our mother's become our friends, we no longer need their attention as we did as a child but we find them as people/a person to get to know and understand and grow .... The times together are different, much different than the days of young. 
As we get older, loving a Mother is a gift rather than a chore. We know the day is coming when they will leave us and all is left are the memories of them being everything ; one and all ... especially ---- 
A Mother. 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sorry it's been a while------- Missing someone

Sorry, it's been a while on my blogging.. I have had in this past 3 weeks; a death, computer shutdown and just too busy catching up.  

I have a few blogs coming up on how we Southerners talk--- gonna poke fun a bit..  Another on mom's and one I am trying to piece together about a new movie coming out (this I can't wait to blog about)  and then of course blog about whatever comes to my mind.... could be dancing --- not brave enough to tackle politics,yet....  

This one is one of missing someone you love..... whether by death or breakup or long distance.......

It is so hard when they die because that is the end. They are no longer for us to hold or to see or have lunch/dinner ... Our hearts are heavy with the emptiness of not  having them around and as our tears fall; we can't or feel we can't go on without them. We find ourselves waking up after a night of crying ourselves to sleep. Our days are to merely exist; got to keep busy; we say. In the first weeks and months, we try not to touch on those little things of remembrance--- to painful, but then as those months turn to a year; we long and grasp for every memory to hold and we begin to smile.   They are and will always be with us and in those moments of silence; we find ourselves talking to them. 

In a breakup--- when it is unexpected because of fault of one or both or just maybe no fault of either... When there is deep affection, it can cut to the core. The loss of not having that person with you anymore is at times worse... You see them everyday or most days and they are with someone else (if fault of their own) and you feel as if your heart was either betrayed or taken out and stomped. But again, when those same days turn to weeks and months..... depends on how long the relationship/how deep the heart---- we /you begin to see someone else and you start to forget about the one that left; consider it a lesson learned and wish them well and move on.. Does not a heart be with darkness inside... 

In a long distance relationship.... now some of these work out others do not------  As it is the way of the computer age, we can find anyone at any place at any time or any where in the world... Chat lines, Websites and others. We often find our hearts and minds to that other person on the other end.    Some may find we can't wait to see them on cam or email or text.
 And if there is a relationship and one by let's say by move to another area or state where there is going to be a feat on both parts to keep them as a couple.   Now that can be a tough one...When they move--- it rips your heart out. Watching them pack up and move is a terrible feeling. You cry and seems by the time they leave both are on the phone not wanting to say goodbye. You ache to the core and you wonder how you will make it through; until you get to see them again. ....  but if you have that love and trust in one another --- you will make it through the times when you are apart... What is the saying??  "Absents  makes the heart grow stronger/fonder"   I would like to know who said that one.... LOL.. just teasing here. 
Truth is (my opinion) when you have strong love; you can over come anything to find your way.... 

As we miss these that are gone... Only one is more definite.. Death.. The others mentioned seem worse than death to some of us; but in reality, they are still alive, still here and in time we move on..  much different with moving on from death......  but yet, we do---- in time----- whether alone or someone else but forever in our hearts (in one fashion or another)..

Thank you-------

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Well I've done it again---- computer

Well I've done it again Vern....

Today, I take my computer back to the shop because dummy here keeps adhering to the "you must download this" in order to view something... 

Ding Ding.. you would think I would learn??  

I called the company and told them who I was and they have repaired my computers more often than me going to the doctors, of late.... I talked to him about my Windows XP and the age of my dear old friend, the computer, he replied it would be more beneficial to get a new computer vs. what we  have to do to comply the upgrade to yours.   Okay, that can't work right at this point. So, we leave Windows xp for now...  I commence to tell him on my deep frustration and tell him that i am about to make either a new door or window which ever comes first and how hard i throw this thing... he laughs and asks a few questions as to which i said guilty.. "don't do that" he replies...   he goes on and says those little programs that pop up for you to down load their stuff can be damaging(and was) to my system.... virus or trojan, i am afraid.. He says don't do that. Why do I do that?? 
"Okay", I tell  him.. I am going to bring this dang thing back in tomorrow and what i need for you guys to do is to have a monitoring button on my computer and if i even so much as touch or look as if i am going to hit the download button.... YOU press a key to ZAP my ass...   He begins to laugh and say "a shock button".. yes, a shock button , I hit the key and bzzzzzzzz me"..."You have my permission to key stoke my ass".. He could not contain his laughter.. 
Okay, so now to take this dang thing in so they can clean me out again... It will be gone a few days and then have to take my laptop in as well.... For someone that was taking Computer Programming in college back in the early 80's... I am so clueless.... 


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


In this close of yet another graduation. I find myself reminiscing about my graduation 32 years ago. 
That day started early with practice, both on the football field and gym (in case of rain).That evening we all arrived dressed in cap and gown, led out to the field,(yay no rain) and as we saw the people(family and friends) sitting in the bleachers to watch our moment(in time); i was all choked up, realizing this would be the last time I set foot on those grounds and how I would not see another Trooper game or be apart of a class project or school association (Beta Club or FHA or MClub); I was proud but saddened as well. As we sat there listening to the speakers (some wishing this would end, so that they could have a graduation party), that was a great moment and after we received our diploma's, we were so excited we forgot to throw our hats up until someone stopped us at the gates and reminded us... by this time, we had people coming to greet us, hope no one got hit with a cap.. :)   It was a day of great joy of accomplishment of finishing those 12 years and of course sorrow/sadness of us not being there the following Fall. Knowing that we may or may not be seeing these young adults that we grew up with again or just maybe in passing. Some of us went to college together, some of us married right out of school and some just went to work, but either way;high school was an important step into our future. 
I don't think these days; it matters to these young people very much on how much these relationships we built have an impact on us of our character of how we interact and how great friendship can be.  But, face it... school and teaching is not how it was and with the internet.. neither is friendship(in a sort). 
 To all those graduating this year, Congratulations and I hope your future brings you great success. 


Monday, May 19, 2014

One day... Mrs Lyles English class

You know those moments when you do something but someone else is blamed?  Yes, I did.. 

Okay, it has been 32 years and I am going to confess and not to mention the mental anguish it may have caused one of my good friends from high school...    LOL..just kidding.  

One day sitting in a Mrs. Lyles English class and we were all so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Guess what happened??   My stomach starts talking to me. I mean it starts out quietly nudging me to feed it and of course during class, that's not happening. A gradual rumble in the jungle inside my stomach and the noises it starts to make. By this time, I am squirming and holding my stomach trying to keep anyone from hearing it. All of a sudden, it makes one of those gradual low to high pitch noises and you can by now know where this is going..... :)  In this very quiet room, there my stomach blows...  Yes, it sounded like a blow from the hole.
 And as I was looking through my peripheral vision to see who paid attention... The quiet became a snicker and giggle and just as I was about to say "sorry, darn stomach"... The looked over at my friend and said Cindy.. she looks back and says, "what?" "I didn't do anything"..  I stayed quiet, yes, meek little me, said to myself don't you say one word. Cindy looks back at me as if to say what are they saying? Me, I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled and slumped down in my desk.  I could not contain my laughter... bless her heart the ribbing she got. 
On those days you really talk yourself out of confessing because it's just too dang funny.  


Thursday, May 15, 2014


I love it when a 20 or 30 something turns red and inserts foot when it comes to age. I know within the past 2 weeks, I have had at least 3 while in a deep conversation tell me about whomever they were speaking about, say.. "They are old' and before I could get it out, they continue to say.... "You know, about 50 or 55".. I wait till they are finished and say "watch it" "you do know that I just turned 50?"  They quickly turn or try turn the conversation to a safe point and tell me that "oh, you know what i mean"?  and tell me that 50 is not old but it's not their age either.. 
I have to laugh and cut them off and say, "come on, I am enjoying you digging yourself out"..... 50 is not old, I can still do many of the things that I did in my youth. Maybe not get back up as quickly as I used to but baby when I move.... this 50 year old can move.. :)  
But it also takes me back to when I was walking to the bus when going to Lawhon Elementary School in Tupelo and while walking I over heard a couple of teenage girls standing by a car and heard them talk about turning 18 and how they could not wait..... I looked up at them and smiled; kept walking to my bus and all the while thinking to myself----- 18 oh wow that is really old. Now this coming from a 6 or 7 year old. It's funny how we perceive age at certain times in our lives. 
Age is a number and doesn't define who you are.... Yes, agreed that when you do get older ... with all the bumps and bruises you have acquired along the way, it does take a bit longer to get up and you hear the occasional crick of the old bones, and when you get down, it may take you a bit longer to get back up;with help and you may hear a groan or two and then laugh to realize that he is coming from you, but you still got it. You can run circles around most and you dang sure can outwit the younger set. Age comes to us all sooner than later and if we are the lucky ones to get there. I tell my girls.. I may be old---er but I still got it/have it and Mama's not ready for the home just yet and that I want to live to be 100 and my sweet wonderful daughters look at me and with the biggest smile says.."Oh mama please don't... the world couldn't take you at 100"...  Gotta love them.  :)   
Age is that a number outlined by the years from your birth------it's character------ like the age rings on a tree..... each little line is strength and wisdom and with each crease can show our vulnerability/weaknesses and sickness/pain... but as that old tree----we live life to the fullest and proud.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I did it again.. :)

True Story-----

This happened to me..

My daughter asked me to pick up her medication from Publix Pharmacy. As I was checking out the clerk asked me to sign the electronic signature thingy... I noticed she was grinning and gave a slight chuckle.. Of course, I wasn't paying attention due to me busily shaking the wand like I was swatting flies. I would shake then look at the end to see or figure out why it was not writing my name on the board.  

I am talking away---- shaking and shaking and the clerk was beginning to laugh out loud and I finally in the middle of my shake said, Why is this thing not writing??"   and began to shake again and write. All of a sudden I stopped and turned at least 5 shades of red and said, "Oh, never mind"."it's not a pen" The clerk lost it and gave out a bellow and by this time, putting the little wand back in it's slot, I laughed along with  her, yes, at myself. She stated, "I can't tell you how many people have come in and did this today".. 

After paying and still talking up a storm, I looked at that electronic board and told the clerk... this would be a great funny video for you tube.... "Heyyyy" she says..... "Oh, noooo", i replied.... We both laughed. 


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

After All (death)

After all the flowers.
After all the family and friends
After all the food.
After all the sympathies.
After all the tears and after all is said and done.
Death is a new beginning to an end. 
I sat and listened to the Pastor presiding over the service and said to us that the Earthly life has ended but the Heavenly life is just beginning. 
We all hear this or something similar each time  we go to a funeral, but we actually do not know because we are still here in our Earthly form. All we hear is that one day we to will be called and we are never promised tomorrow and what a glorious day that will be. For as we are born to live- we live to die. It comes to all of us eventually. 
As we sat and listened to what Heaven will be- the tears streaming- the heart heavy with inconsolable pain- we begin to feel hope of one day--- that one day--- we are reunited with those that went before us. 
It is not easy. We never forget or never truly get over the loss but with each day we wake gets/helps us to cope.
Believe in your Faith and the Promise that from funeral- burial to grief is just the beginning of our journey to seeing them again. 


Monday, May 5, 2014

My first KISS---- Ewww


I do! Now remember this was early to mid 70's and things were quite different back then.  Then, some of us girls at the young age of 8 to 10 thought of little boys as being pest.. and always being a pain in the butt..

I was chased down by a boy, almost all day--- I had eluded him but by night fall he had a plan of attack. His cousins and a few friends cornered me and threw me down on the ground, cause I was not going to let some boy come near me with his slobbering mouth. I was kicking and screaming and in for the smooch he went.After that smack on my lips he let me up and said, "Now how was that?"  "Icky, I said and I don't want to do it again".... He went in for the kill again when one of his friends said.. "There's another one' and off he went, running so fast it looked as if his heels were kicking his butt as he scurried off... As I ran home, I watched as the poor girl endured the same fate as I .... Ewwww... but glad it wasn't me... 

Now at this time, I wasn't even a teenager and wasn't interested in boys, I had brothers and thought boys were icky and gross and someone to yell mama about.. Boys were made of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

 As I got older, I changed my mind real quick. Boys/men still a huge pain in the neck but kissing them is quite another matter.  I have had a few since then.. ;)
