Tuesday, December 31, 2019

One more year

As we are speeding down that highway toward the end of yet another year, how did we fare this one?
It came in like a lion on steroids and is leaving like a racing cheetah, all we have seen are the stripes from one day to the end of the month. Gone too fast.

Raise your hands if you feel as if you closed your eyes to give a smack to your sweetheart on New Year's Eve and open to finding it's almost here, once again? Where did the rest of the year go? I do recall there was a bit of Springtime because that's when the green started and I vaguely remember the summer and before you know it school started and seems like we just had Halloween. Shoot, time is getting faster and faster as the days go by.  Does anyone know if someone has put Viagra in Father Time's drink? We need to talk to that old man, Mother Nature can't seem to keep up.  I don't know about you, but my birthdays are getting closer and closer these past few years. I should have listened to my mother all those years ago when I told her that I could not wait to turn 21, I remember those words spoken as if it were yesterday (heck it could have been too), she said, "Don't wish your life away, before you know it 21 has come and gone and you are my age." No truer words. I blinked and I am now the age she was when she died.  Mothers are smart people, we need to listen more.

Days seem to get shorter and shorter and if this keeps up we will meet ourselves either coming or going. It's exhausting. I can't seem to get everything done that is needed, during the day, as I used to.  NO, IT'S NOT MY AGE.  Time seems to be slipping away like that elusive Bigfoot, you can almost reach out to grab hold but then it's gone like a flash.

We have seen yet another year of division and hate. Another year of fake propaganda filtered throughout our society. We have seen another year of police being killed, a great number than last year. Sad. Another year of disrespect, disillusions, and demagoguery. Another year of just existing for some. It's getting too much, way too much.

My wish for all in this coming decade, we find ourselves again, find what makes us Human again, find our compassion for our two-legged and four-legged creatures, we find our Faith again, we find our communities again, we find there is something bigger than we out there. Treat everyone with how we want to be treated. God made this planet and set us to thrive, we forget he can take it away as quickly as he gave. Be kind to one another. 

Thank you for this time and 2020 is upon us. God Bless.



Preparing to take off for the New Year - a whole new decade. 

Please make sure your attitudes and goodwill are secured and locked in, in the upright position. 

All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time

All pain and negative thoughts, as well as any discouragement, should be put away. 

As you see the nearest exits, please leave 2019 and this decade behind. 

And as we come through the isles, we will be serving best wishes and a side of prosperity throughout the New Year. 

Should at any time, we lose altitude under pressure during our flight, reach above and pull down the Positive Thinking mask. 

Positive thoughts will then be activated. 

Once, activated, you can assist the other passengers during our flight. 

This is your Captain speaking; all doors closed and ready for take-off. 

Destination- It's yours for the taking.


Thank you and signing off, have a safe flight and destination. May God Bless this New Year. 


Monday, December 16, 2019

Is Anything Hands On Anymore?

After seeing one of my old colleagues, this weekend, she told me she is retiring after a long and successful career. Congratulations that a great milestone, but she says it's time. Things are done differently these days and it's not the same. Everything is done online now, I stated. Nothing is hands-on anymore. 

Where is the time where you sent in a resume, got a phone call to come in and sit down with the person? Most of the time, you got a phone call whether you got the position or not--- NOT today, send online and they could give a hoot whether they get back to you or not.  To me, that is rude and very unprofessional. Yeah, one can say they have too many responses online, but in my opinion, if you put it online that gives way for someone, anyone to wade through and respond. It's just a kind gesture for those waiting. 

Going to the doctor now is online, you have to sit while they, nurses or doctors, peck on the keyboard to enter your information. Where is the write it down and pay attention to who is in front of you? I mean, come on! I know that times have evolved and are ever-changing, but when the heck does it say, leave the personal touch behind? 

I miss those times when one could sit down, look the other person or persons in the eye and have a conversation and have them listen to you and write down what needs to be and then put it digitally.  I am NOT Digital, hear my heartbeat, watch my mouth, she blinks, winks and speaks, listen to me. Those that use the pecking, which we all do these days, can put the wrong information down which can cause not to get a loan, or have the wrong diagnosis, the wrong medication, even if they pull up the wrong date of birth or name, can cause a murid of problems. 

The ones coming up in this day and time, have no idea what it's like to just sit and keep off the pecking and talk and learn and help someone other than themselves. They are growing up in a world where it is all digitally in front of us, work, play, home. It's great to be out there working and being able to be in front of someone, not in front of a screen. 

At one point, this all may end and where are these growing up going to land? They will not know how to hands-on anything.  Will, they even know how to turn on a tv without a remote or turn on the lights without a voice-activated instrument? Just things, I think about from time to time when I hear yet another industry going digitally rather than person-to-person.  

I know it's only going to progress but something to think about when a computer breaks down or a copier breaks down- would you know how to type of a typewriter? If the whole system went down in a store would you know how to use the old slide for credit cards? If the graphics went out would you know how to draw it freehand? Many things to think about in this ever-progressing digital world. 



Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Bobbie's Takes: The World today, they say

Bobbie's Takes: The World today, they say: The World today, they say.  Those among us keep stating how topsy-turvy and a bizarro world we have today. Everyone at each other's t...

The World today, they say

The World today, they say. 

Those among us keep stating how topsy-turvy and a bizarro world we have today. Everyone at each other's throats. No one can have a different point of view or a voice, even. What used to be simple as black and white is now grey. Nothing makes sense anymore. But everyone says what has come of this world today?

The World, this World, our World has been around, considering your thought processes, whether by the creator (God) or by chance of colliding systems. It doesn't do anything but revolve on its axis. It doesn't give us or tell us who to like or not or should we eat meat or not or which religion we should be or Not. It only exists as a place we mere humans take for granted. It's an amazing place that provides sunshine, darkness, heat, cooling, water,  and growth for billions. This planet gives us everything we need to survive and make the best out of this thing called "Living". 

This World today doesn't care what we do as long as we give back to what it provides us. It's the people that have gone stark raving mad. It's the people that have turned a world upside down. We have lost what marbles our Creator gave us. 

What happened to help the fellow man? Making sure the elderly are seen to or help them cross the street? Protecting a child or an adult from being bullied? What happened to have a simple and constructed conversation? What happened to open your ears and closing your mouth? What happened to Respect our fellow man? There are many more but you get the gest. 

We have stopped listening and respecting and caring for anyone, let alone ourselves. It's time to get back from INSANE to SANE or as normal as one can be and stop this nonsense.  See, our world today is as much as it was in days before we mere humans, (probably more peaceful) We have made this planet more accessible to our NOW needs and as humans, we keep progressing. We use our God-given talents. This world is as good as one sees it, the beauty, the power, the safety, the conservation, the means and to those that say we are destroying it.. NO, we will destroy ourselves long before this, OUR World, goes anywhere. 


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bobbie's Takes: A TRIBUTE

Bobbie's Takes: A TRIBUTE: How can I start this? I suppose, by saying goodbye to our loving Aunt, our mother's only sibling. It's hard saying goodbye to tho...


How can I start this? I suppose, by saying goodbye to our loving Aunt, our mother's only sibling. It's hard saying goodbye to those we love. No more picking up the phone to check in or going to visit.

We, humans, are a funny bunch, we take things for granted. We never think about tomorrow but the right here and now; until tomorrow comes and when it does all we wish is for one more day. We take the simple things in life and make them complicated but why?

I sit here at the Funeral Home looking in on her, lying in her casket. Doesn't she look nice, today? I think of all the times with Aunt Jane, the laughter, the tears and yes, some anger but always with a great deal of love. She had that laughter that when you heard it you knew, Aunt Jane was having a good time. Soo, many memories of a lifetime to sift through. One particular memory of a holiday at our grandmother's house, mother's and Aunt Jane's mother, I believe it was a Thanksgiving Day. Mother and Aunt Jane would start picking on each other and then you would hear granny(she would kill me if she heard me say granny) would intervene with, "now girls". It would go on and on about who was the favorite or who had to do more chores or which one got away with more shenanigans.

The one thing that you didn't do is ask them about their names; it would be on, their voices at a high octave that sounded almost like a laughing squeal at who had the worst name. So funny listening to both of them going at their mother on how they got the names they did.Eddie Sue or Roger Jane? Aunt Jane would politely tap mother on the arm while granny was in the kitchen seeing to the cooking and would say in a laughing loud voice, " I think momma just wanted a boy and got stuck with two measly girls and decided to give us dang boy names." Mother would chime in and then the school girl giggling would start. Granny would hold up her spoon from stirring the potatoes and would tell them how mother came by her name, "that damn nurse", she would say, now, "Roger Jane, I swear I have no clue", " I was out of it and all I remember was a song on the radio and I remember saying Roger and the next thing I know you are Roger Jane".  She tried saving herself but with mom and Aunt Jane laughing and goading she had no chance that day.  It would end with granny stating she needed some help in the kitchen mother would say "go help Roger", then Aunt Jane would chime in with "what about you Eddie?"

Those were great times seeing them having fun and laughing. I wonder if they did that growing up? Interesting that I do not know that answer. All we have are the memories of each of our families getting together with their mother and celebrating family.

As I sit and say goodbye to Roger Jane Ellis Brooks Floyd with tears filling my eyes, I also found a smile to now know that she is embracing her sister and her mother right at this moment. Mother loved her little sister as her little sister loved her. I can see mother running up to the little sister she had to leave so long ago and with the biggest hug and smiles. They had very pretty smiles. Now, all three are together again along with the grandmother that looked after them when granny had to work to provide for her girls. As much as the tears flow here on Earth, Heaven is whole with those four amazing women.

I lift my head to the skies and I can almost see the four of them looking down at us right now. NO MORE TEARS IN HEAVEN.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


Watching a very old movie from 1944, The Uninvited, A ghost story of sorts with a beautiful story to tell. Even though I have seen this movie before, I had forgotten the story. 

One has to look closely into the character(s) with each a role in that story and as the plot comes together, we can see how important each role was in getting to the end. 

This particular ghost story told being set up by each role was beautifully written and I sat at every word- at times- I laughed, and other times, I sat on the edge of my seat wondering what is coming next and toward the ending my anticipation of a fright turned into a smile. All emotions in one old movie.

They say they don't make movies like they used to and of course, we know times and people are ever-changing. Movies of old did not have much in the way of animations or CGIs, only those playing a part with words and actions. Most movies, today, I feel and I could be the minority of ONE, don't get to act as they did long ago. Too many actions or things added that take away from the character. Today, we have movies that show more things that have to be made on a computer rather than in the words of a character. Don't get me wrong, I love movies, NOT into Zombies. I grew up watching them and make believing as most young ones do of being that "moment". Maybe, I am just a bit sentimental and to be honest, I do not "cotton" to change very much. It's needed for us humans but I go reluctantly and being dragged until toleration sets in. And before anyone lights up of age, I am NOT old, only old fashioned values. Things change for the better and we are always seeking the next best. But, this day and time, we seem to always be in a hurry. Never able to sit and just enjoy the moment. 

In watching this wonderful golden oldie, the announcer reminded me of why I love these type of movies. He stated that the studios wanted to person(s) to imagine or use the imagination rather than see the events play out on screen. The imagination can bring more intensity, excitement, passion, fright, sadness, and tears than actually seeing it on the screen. We have, today, in your face moments where everything is shown-decent or indecent. 

I say this maybe because I am on the downslope and trying my best to put on the brakes; I find my values different as they were when I was very young. I am no prude nor never profess to be innocent. Each time I watch an old movie such as this one, my imagination gives me an appreciation of the arts and of a story being told. 

Image result for the uninvited 1944
