Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The South

There is something to say about coming or being from the South. Where every season could be an excuse for a family reunion. When I say family reunion- I mean- even family you have not even met. 

The South is long rides from one place to another or just no particular place. The South is filled with stories of long ago or old wive's tales or just folklore.  Our language is different; we say y'all or fixin' along with other colorful words.  

In the South, it gets, at times, in the Summer, way to hot and humid to even breath and even a grand ole oak tree is not enough to keep the sweat beads at bay.  Those days, you pray for a nice little breeze. 

The South has great food. Most everything good is fried- fried okra (which most of us say okry), fried green tomatoes and deep fried breaded chicken.. now them some good eats.. :)  We love turnip greens and collard greens, potato salad, catfish, salted ham and red eye gravy along with homemade butter biscuits with molasses or honey  and not to mention our stock from the gardens. I remember helping in the canning process when I was young.. long and hard work but when we opened those cans, oh my goodness, the hard work was tasty.  

I love the South where the breeding has deep roots and the culture is old. The music is soulful- the birth of Jazz and the King of Rock N Roll.  

All that is good with the South, we have our demons or skeletons .. those we wish to forget but remember so that we never walk that road again... Civil Rights and KKK... 

The South, my South, is my home--- I love.. 

Thank you------

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