Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as revenge, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.

Do you have those in your world that can seem to never get it right?  They mess up and say forgive me? You do and then they do it again. Same vicious cycle. 
Why do we continue?  I don't know the answer to that. Maybe, because we care? We want to help them? I know for myself, I am a fixer and a giver. I always try to find out why they do these things and make them see and low and behold they change their ways...... not always.  
Hey, I am guilty of this as well. I say to myself that I am not going to say or do that again and not too far down the road, I hit a mudslide and there I do again. Same crap different day, kinda thing.  Some of those "forgive me" were over and over and it's not that your friends and family get tired of the talking and the helping, it's me/them/you. They/You can forgive all day long but until they take responsibility for it, the cycle will continue. I remember a time when I was talking to someone and was crying and carrying on to how stupid I was for repeating this crazy thing.. Forgive me, forgive me.. She said to me, I already have and God will always forgive you, but you need to forgive yourself. Unless you honestly forgive yourself, you can never move forward. Forgiving yourself is a great key to healing and not repeating this cycle... IF and I repeat IF you are truly wanting a change.
I guess what I am trying to say ...is.... Forgive them over and over for as your nature of heart and set them down and in their lowest time of calling/crying out.........  Let them know that God has and will always forgive them and he is just waiting for them/you to forgive yourself.  


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