Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bobbie, Pay Attention!!

Another Pay Attention, Bobbie, moment..

One night my roommate and I and some of her relatives were out and about shopping, clubbing and decided to go the the Chinese restaurant on West Main Street in Tupelo. It was my first time there and they were from front to back covered. 
Of course, me and my "pink bunny" mouth.. talk, talk, talk.  The poor waitress had to even wait on me to get my drink order. The waitress asked if we wanted any appetizers and of course we did... 
But let's back up for a second. At that time, I did not eat Chinese... or much..and did not know a lot about the menus and what dishes were better than others.  (I love Chinese food now)
Sherry ordered egg rolls and a few wantons. The waitress brings our drinks and appetizers and sets down some yellow stuff and red stuff that I had to ask what it was.. yellow stuff-hot mustard and red stuff is sweet sour sauce.  I shrugged and said okay and kept on talking. As we were laughing and talking, I picked up one of the egg rolls and dipped it into the mustard, Sherry said to me, "Bobbie do you know what you are about to eat?" to which I replied "yes".. She said "I don't think you do."  I shrugged and still not paying attention and opened my mouth to take a big bite out of that egg roll and the mouth shuts for a taste and what do you think happened? 
 My eyes wide open, the mouth goes into a solid "o" shape and face turns red. I couldn't get to the water fast enough or drink enough, I even grabbed the water pitcher from the next table, who also saw what had happened and were rolling in the floor as was the "sweet" people at my table.  
When I could finally speak with tears rolling down my face from the heat.. I said "What in the world is that?"  Sherry trying to talk from laughter says she tried to warn me and that I was about to take a bite out of hot mustard but I didn't listen. I replied, "yes, but you should have stated hot, blow your goozle out hot, I love hot and thought it would be hot." Sherry's reply... "Bobbie Pay Attention!!"  .. they were all having a time at my expense that evening, justly deserved.. :) 


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