Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Moral compass (ethics)

We all have our "moral compass" on where we stand on issues such as ethics.

There are many ethical rules of business as well as in life.. I take the same Hippocratic Oath as do medical doctors. "Do No Harm". I also have my ethics of business ... Standards of Practice to which I live by on a daily basis.

We all have off days and at times, we find ourselves on a fine line with the "moral compass".
And never thought I would find myself on the outside of that compass..  

We in our profession, need massaging as you in the public do. Ethics are the same and never should they be violated. Well my friend, violated my trust and our ethics of practice. With his actions, he caused a friendship as well as colleague. I struggled with many emotions over this and finally sat down sent him an email and told him how I felt. Not only did he violate my trust, what he did was unethical as well as illegal. He is a professional for Christ sake, he had taken the same oath as I and many others and knew his ethics of practice..

I would never put myself nor my career and license on the line as he has.  I have reported him but not to the ones that I feel need to know.

Here lies my "compass".  How would you be??

This blog is in no way, shape or form to/about anyone of my friends here on the web. It is an issue that has long passed.


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