Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My take on --- Manners

As you or we take a look at our world today--- where are the manners--the respect? There are too many things to name in regards to this lack of manners/respect.
I want to touch on how I see(in day to day life) how I see people treating others  SHAMEFUL.
I see bad behavior especially to our older generation, by the younger group. I have to ask where in the heck are their parents? Where is the guidance on decent human emotions?
I can tell you if my great and grand parents were alive, someone would be sitting in the corner or made to go straight to the person and "I'm sorry" would be spoken.
I guess, I grew up in a different time where respect your elders or anyone for that matter is the time of the past.  Shouldn't be but sadly it is the time we are in.  How hard is it to have your kid, say yes/no ma'am and speak when spoken to, sit up straight and young ladies sit with feet on the floor and knees together?

I can tell you this, my girls. very respectful young ladies. Not to say, now, when they are disrespected, they don't go off, at times, so do I. My girls, look at the people they are talking to, listen and it's yes or no ma'am or sir. They are very helpful to anyone they see that might need a helping hand.

As I stated, I guess these are just different times and people no longer care about "good manners". If they would look outside themselves and see how not being with manners make them look to others, maybe they would see and know the phrase.. you get what you give..... (I doubt it, as stated earlier in a post.. some people these days seem not to have a "moral compass")


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