Monday, October 28, 2013

The chase..

This is a story of one little gullible girl, always trying to be brave... ME... 

You know when someone says never bark at a barking dog... Listen, they actually mean it..   One day we were visiting Uncle Ted and Aunt Brenda in Nettleton, MS.  and uncle Ted had  a new dog for hunting. 
That dog barked and barked, never would he get to close. Stupid me said something about the dog and my uncle and dad looked at one another and said.. "Go to the end of the house and bark".  I looked back at them and said, "What?", "Go to the other end of the house and bark at the dog". Well, after few minutes of coaching, I did.. Should have known better with the look on their faces.  
I went to the other end of the house and began  barking at the dog. At first,he stopped and cocked his head a little to listen.. then he would commence to bark again.  It seems the more I barked at him the more angry he would become and finally after about the third bark, on my part, he shot after me like a lightning bolt.  When I saw him coming toward me... there went the siren, I started yelling.. "help" "help". Wouldn't you know it, I ran past my dear old uncle and daddy and they were rolling on the ground laughing. Right then, I  knew I should not have messed with that dog.  
He chased me all over that hillside. He chased me down the road over the field and back up the road again. Did I care about the briers and splinters that were getting in my feet?, heck no, just trying to out run this dang dog. A time or two, I could actually feel his hot, snappy breath on my little behind.  All I could think about was keeping one step ahead of him.  I never ran so hard or so fast in my life as I did that day. 
What seemed like an eternity but was only a few minutes, my uncle called off the dog and put him up.  I was so mad and out of breath, all I could get out was, "why did you do that for?", "that was not funny". I learned something that day.. never bark at a barking dog. If you do, pray you can run faster than he does.  

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