Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My favorite book

My favorite book is Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria HOlt.  I read this as a young teen in high school and found it later on as a much older adult.. Fell in love with it all over again.  

Victoria Holt's work titled "Mistress of Mellyn" centers on the theme of how the "past penetrates the present." Holt begins the narrative with Martha, who lives in Mellyn, a mansion located on the Cornish coast. Martha mocks local superstitions, but loves the Christmas customs of the area. It is here where Holt injects suspense. Martha's disbelief in superstitions is shaken when she believes she is being observed. She believes that the presence in the house is the first wife, Alice. Because of this presence, Martha feels that the past is somewhat oppressive. The past for Martha represents religious persecutions, destructive sexual liaisons, and community instabilities. However, the house represents stability, but it reveals much through its hidden peepholes, deserted rooms, and painful past. By the end of "Mistress of Mellyn," Martha discovers that ghosts do not walk, Alice's death threatens her life, and too much value placed upon the past can have serious repercussions for those living in the present. 

I recommended this book to a friend and he loved it.. Pick up this book at your local library or download from your computer and you too will enjoy a great read and take your mind on a beautiful journey. 


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