Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sherry and the "toad hole"

It was on a very stormy morning and of course opening shift at work. My room mate said for me to go ahead and she would be right behind me, but of course, with Sherry you could never tell, she might be 10 to 30 minutes late.
I made it into work  with minutes to spare no help from the weather. Sherry was late and became very late.

The managers asked where she was and I had no answer.. Just hoped she wasn't in an accident in this weather.  Oh, about an hour she shows up and was in different clothes and I asked her what on earth happened.  She stops and takes a deep breath and lord I wished I'd never asked.

"Well", she says.."you know I said to go without me, I'm right behind you?"  I nodded. Sherry says.. "you know how hard it was raining,?" "rained so hard I couldn't see the walkway.". I told her that I had to tip toe along the walkway to my car.. ."Well, then, do you remember that toad hole in the walkway?" "toad hole?" "yes, that damn hole the kids keep putting frogs into?".. I nodded.. She said.. Well, as I was running to my car, I didn't see that hole, my shoe caught it and down I went, splat, spread eagle, face down.." she goes on to say " as i was getting up, water rushing all around me and rain keeps pouring down, i noticed i didn't have my teeth, they flew right out".. I said... "NOOOO!!!" well, i lost it. She commences to say.. "I squatted to search for my teeth and low and behold i found them floating off down the walkway and the more I chased them the faster they went and finally I had to tackle them before they reached the sewage drain." I was laughing so hard , I could hardly stand. I could see her leap frogging all the way down the walkway after her teeth.  "And now you know what I am late". then goes to say, "I hope a frog wasn't in that hole today".  I laughed so hard. From then and there when it rained, Sherry took to the grass not the walkway.

I still laugh at this story... Knowing Sherry, she still has problems keeping up with those teeth.

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