Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I did it again.. :)

True Story-----

This happened to me..

My daughter asked me to pick up her medication from Publix Pharmacy. As I was checking out the clerk asked me to sign the electronic signature thingy... I noticed she was grinning and gave a slight chuckle.. Of course, I wasn't paying attention due to me busily shaking the wand like I was swatting flies. I would shake then look at the end to see or figure out why it was not writing my name on the board.  

I am talking away---- shaking and shaking and the clerk was beginning to laugh out loud and I finally in the middle of my shake said, Why is this thing not writing??"   and began to shake again and write. All of a sudden I stopped and turned at least 5 shades of red and said, "Oh, never mind"."it's not a pen" The clerk lost it and gave out a bellow and by this time, putting the little wand back in it's slot, I laughed along with  her, yes, at myself. She stated, "I can't tell you how many people have come in and did this today".. 

After paying and still talking up a storm, I looked at that electronic board and told the clerk... this would be a great funny video for you tube.... "Heyyyy" she says..... "Oh, noooo", i replied.... We both laughed. 


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