Monday, May 19, 2014

One day... Mrs Lyles English class

You know those moments when you do something but someone else is blamed?  Yes, I did.. 

Okay, it has been 32 years and I am going to confess and not to mention the mental anguish it may have caused one of my good friends from high school...    LOL..just kidding.  

One day sitting in a Mrs. Lyles English class and we were all so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Guess what happened??   My stomach starts talking to me. I mean it starts out quietly nudging me to feed it and of course during class, that's not happening. A gradual rumble in the jungle inside my stomach and the noises it starts to make. By this time, I am squirming and holding my stomach trying to keep anyone from hearing it. All of a sudden, it makes one of those gradual low to high pitch noises and you can by now know where this is going..... :)  In this very quiet room, there my stomach blows...  Yes, it sounded like a blow from the hole.
 And as I was looking through my peripheral vision to see who paid attention... The quiet became a snicker and giggle and just as I was about to say "sorry, darn stomach"... The looked over at my friend and said Cindy.. she looks back and says, "what?" "I didn't do anything"..  I stayed quiet, yes, meek little me, said to myself don't you say one word. Cindy looks back at me as if to say what are they saying? Me, I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled and slumped down in my desk.  I could not contain my laughter... bless her heart the ribbing she got. 
On those days you really talk yourself out of confessing because it's just too dang funny.  


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