Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Costumes, Haunted Houses, Candy corn, Ghost, Witches..  It must be Halloween..

I love seeing all the kids and some of us older people dressing up for parties or just trick or treating around the ole' neighborhood. 

I am going to quote a saying from a book I read many, many years ago while at Lawhon Elementary School in East Tupelo, MS. I can't put an excerpt because I can not remember the name of the book, but I have always remembered this quote

"Blood and Bones, Bones and Blood. Here You are in the Witches Wood;
No use to run or try to hide; Cause' many men than you have died;
Draw that magic circle round and here you are Safe and Sound... He-He-He"..(witches cackle)

Have a safe and well treated evening..


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My take on --- Manners

As you or we take a look at our world today--- where are the manners--the respect? There are too many things to name in regards to this lack of manners/respect.
I want to touch on how I see(in day to day life) how I see people treating others  SHAMEFUL.
I see bad behavior especially to our older generation, by the younger group. I have to ask where in the heck are their parents? Where is the guidance on decent human emotions?
I can tell you if my great and grand parents were alive, someone would be sitting in the corner or made to go straight to the person and "I'm sorry" would be spoken.
I guess, I grew up in a different time where respect your elders or anyone for that matter is the time of the past.  Shouldn't be but sadly it is the time we are in.  How hard is it to have your kid, say yes/no ma'am and speak when spoken to, sit up straight and young ladies sit with feet on the floor and knees together?

I can tell you this, my girls. very respectful young ladies. Not to say, now, when they are disrespected, they don't go off, at times, so do I. My girls, look at the people they are talking to, listen and it's yes or no ma'am or sir. They are very helpful to anyone they see that might need a helping hand.

As I stated, I guess these are just different times and people no longer care about "good manners". If they would look outside themselves and see how not being with manners make them look to others, maybe they would see and know the phrase.. you get what you give..... (I doubt it, as stated earlier in a post.. some people these days seem not to have a "moral compass")


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My favorite book

My favorite book is Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria HOlt.  I read this as a young teen in high school and found it later on as a much older adult.. Fell in love with it all over again.  

Victoria Holt's work titled "Mistress of Mellyn" centers on the theme of how the "past penetrates the present." Holt begins the narrative with Martha, who lives in Mellyn, a mansion located on the Cornish coast. Martha mocks local superstitions, but loves the Christmas customs of the area. It is here where Holt injects suspense. Martha's disbelief in superstitions is shaken when she believes she is being observed. She believes that the presence in the house is the first wife, Alice. Because of this presence, Martha feels that the past is somewhat oppressive. The past for Martha represents religious persecutions, destructive sexual liaisons, and community instabilities. However, the house represents stability, but it reveals much through its hidden peepholes, deserted rooms, and painful past. By the end of "Mistress of Mellyn," Martha discovers that ghosts do not walk, Alice's death threatens her life, and too much value placed upon the past can have serious repercussions for those living in the present.

I recommended this book to a friend and he loved it.. Pick up this book at your local library or download from your computer and you too will enjoy a great read and take your mind on a beautiful journey. 


What is your favorite book?

Of all that you read, which keeps you coming back for more? The book that makes you feel, think and want to become that character for the moment. Love, Mystery, Faith-Spiritual, True Story, Scary?
When I return, after lunch, I will tell you some of my favorite books.  

Reading helps you to explore /feed your mind. Whatever day you might have, reading can help you unwind from it all and get lost in the words of someone else. 

Give feedback.. we may could even start a book or read of the month.  


Monday, October 28, 2013

The chase..

This is a story of one little gullible girl, always trying to be brave... ME... 

You know when someone says never bark at a barking dog... Listen, they actually mean it..   One day we were visiting Uncle Ted and Aunt Brenda in Nettleton, MS.  and uncle Ted had  a new dog for hunting. 
That dog barked and barked, never would he get to close. Stupid me said something about the dog and my uncle and dad looked at one another and said.. "Go to the end of the house and bark".  I looked back at them and said, "What?", "Go to the other end of the house and bark at the dog". Well, after few minutes of coaching, I did.. Should have known better with the look on their faces.  
I went to the other end of the house and began  barking at the dog. At first,he stopped and cocked his head a little to listen.. then he would commence to bark again.  It seems the more I barked at him the more angry he would become and finally after about the third bark, on my part, he shot after me like a lightning bolt.  When I saw him coming toward me... there went the siren, I started yelling.. "help" "help". Wouldn't you know it, I ran past my dear old uncle and daddy and they were rolling on the ground laughing. Right then, I  knew I should not have messed with that dog.  
He chased me all over that hillside. He chased me down the road over the field and back up the road again. Did I care about the briers and splinters that were getting in my feet?, heck no, just trying to out run this dang dog. A time or two, I could actually feel his hot, snappy breath on my little behind.  All I could think about was keeping one step ahead of him.  I never ran so hard or so fast in my life as I did that day. 
What seemed like an eternity but was only a few minutes, my uncle called off the dog and put him up.  I was so mad and out of breath, all I could get out was, "why did you do that for?", "that was not funny". I learned something that day.. never bark at a barking dog. If you do, pray you can run faster than he does.  


Quick note before I start on a busy day.  

To you in the UK, please stay safe.  Prayers are with you.


I will be posting another funny story later this afternoon. 


Friday, October 25, 2013

Post Concussion Syndrome

Post Concussion Syndrome- diagnose and treatments.

My story begins, April 30,2013. I was thrown from a horse(but that is another story)  and landed flat on my back. I was knocked out for a few minutes and came to with shooting pain running through me.  Finally, rolled over to crawl over to the stool to catch my breath. I had to literally crawl up the hill and yes, I drove myself home in deep pain. 

By the time I made it home, I began feeling nauseated and dizzy and asked my daughter to drive me to the hospital.  After a series of tests and ct's and x-ray's, the doctor comes in says, nothing is broken; only deep bruising and a concussion and that within 72 hours, I should be feeling much better. Low and behold, I did except for the deep bruising on my bottom and back. But, within the next Monday, I started feeling more dizzy, headache, sluggish, and passing out.. My ex-husband carried me back to the doctor and they rushed me back to the hospital for more test and then after leaving there, the doctor calls and says, "I want you to go to the heart doctor, now"...The heart doctor performs his test and had me wearing a heart monitor over the weekend (My middle daughter graduation from college). 
All the test showed up normal but my doctor still wanted me to go for more test considering how hard I hit, just to make sure the diagnosis was correct.  I  had ENT,Neurologist,Cardiologist,CT's, MRI's, test on brain waves, you name it-- i had it.  
The diagnosis was determined as Post Concussion Syndrome and I the symptoms of this is worse than the concussion itself.. how long? could be 6-8 more months or more or I could be in the small percentage that will always have these symptoms. There is no cure only let the brain heal and the symptoms should go away or not.. Not fun. Dizzy almost everyday and at times with headaches and with my heart, no stress at the present time, low impact exercises, but no pace maker so far.  Who would have thought that a fall from a horse could cause all this, but I am blessed.  I am on the mend and feeling better each day.  
As, i have read and watched the news about head injuries and how I hear people tell me of their dizziness and headaches and such, I have to ask if they too have post concussion syndrome? 
If this story helps just one person, I will be forever grateful.  

Below is a copy/paste from a website about Post Concussion Syndrome



By Mayo Clinic staff
Post-concussion syndrome is a complex disorder in which a variable combination of post-concussion symptoms — such as headaches and dizziness — last for weeks and sometimes months after the injury that caused the concussion.
Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury, usually occurring after a blow to the head. Loss of consciousness isn't required for a diagnosis of concussion or post-concussion syndrome. In fact, the risk of post-concussion syndrome doesn't appear to be associated with the severity of the initial injury.
In most people, post-concussion syndrome symptoms occur within the first seven to 10 days and go away within three months, though they can persist for a year or more. Post-concussion syndrome treatments are aimed at easing specific 

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of concentration and memory
  • Noise and light sensitivity
Headaches that occur after a concussion can vary and may feel like tension-type headaches or migraine headaches. Most, however, are tension-type headaches, which may be associated with a neck injury that happened at the same time as the head injury. In some cases, people experience behavior or emotional changes after a mild traumatic brain injury. Family members may notice that the person has become more irritable, suspicious, argumentative or stubborn.
When to see a doctorSee a doctor if you experience a head injury severe enough to cause confusion or amnesia — even if you never lost consciousness. If a concussion occurs while you're playing a sport, don't go back in the game. Seek medical attention so that you don't risk worsening your injury.


Some experts believe post-concussion symptoms are caused by structural damage to the brain or disruption of neurotransmitter systems, resulting from the impact that caused the concussion. Others believe post-concussion symptoms are related to psychological factors, especially since the most common symptoms — headache, dizziness and sleep problems — are similar to those often experienced by people diagnosed with depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. In many cases, both physiological effects of brain trauma and emotional reactions to these effects play a role in the development of symptoms.
Researchers haven't determined why some people who've had concussions develop persistent post-concussion symptoms while others do not. No proven correlation between the severity of the injury and the likelihood of developing persistent post-concussion symptoms exists.

Risk factors

Risk factors for developing post-concussion syndrome include:
  • Age. Studies have found increasing age to be a risk factor for post-concussion syndrome.
  • Sex. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome, but this may be because women are generally more likely to seek medical care.
  • Trauma. Concussions resulting from car collisions, falls, assaults and sports injuries are commonly associated with post-concussion syndrome.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sherry and the "toad hole"

It was on a very stormy morning and of course opening shift at work. My room mate said for me to go ahead and she would be right behind me, but of course, with Sherry you could never tell, she might be 10 to 30 minutes late.
I made it into work  with minutes to spare no help from the weather. Sherry was late and became very late.

The managers asked where she was and I had no answer.. Just hoped she wasn't in an accident in this weather.  Oh, about an hour she shows up and was in different clothes and I asked her what on earth happened.  She stops and takes a deep breath and lord I wished I'd never asked.

"Well", she says.."you know I said to go without me, I'm right behind you?"  I nodded. Sherry says.. "you know how hard it was raining,?" "rained so hard I couldn't see the walkway.". I told her that I had to tip toe along the walkway to my car.. ."Well, then, do you remember that toad hole in the walkway?" "toad hole?" "yes, that damn hole the kids keep putting frogs into?".. I nodded.. She said.. Well, as I was running to my car, I didn't see that hole, my shoe caught it and down I went, splat, spread eagle, face down.." she goes on to say " as i was getting up, water rushing all around me and rain keeps pouring down, i noticed i didn't have my teeth, they flew right out".. I said... "NOOOO!!!" well, i lost it. She commences to say.. "I squatted to search for my teeth and low and behold i found them floating off down the walkway and the more I chased them the faster they went and finally I had to tackle them before they reached the sewage drain." I was laughing so hard , I could hardly stand. I could see her leap frogging all the way down the walkway after her teeth.  "And now you know what I am late". then goes to say, "I hope a frog wasn't in that hole today".  I laughed so hard. From then and there when it rained, Sherry took to the grass not the walkway.

I still laugh at this story... Knowing Sherry, she still has problems keeping up with those teeth.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Moral compass (ethics)

We all have our "moral compass" on where we stand on issues such as ethics.

There are many ethical rules of business as well as in life.. I take the same Hippocratic Oath as do medical doctors. "Do No Harm". I also have my ethics of business ... Standards of Practice to which I live by on a daily basis.

We all have off days and at times, we find ourselves on a fine line with the "moral compass".
And never thought I would find myself on the outside of that compass..  

We in our profession, need massaging as you in the public do. Ethics are the same and never should they be violated. Well my friend, violated my trust and our ethics of practice. With his actions, he caused a friendship as well as colleague. I struggled with many emotions over this and finally sat down sent him an email and told him how I felt. Not only did he violate my trust, what he did was unethical as well as illegal. He is a professional for Christ sake, he had taken the same oath as I and many others and knew his ethics of practice..

I would never put myself nor my career and license on the line as he has.  I have reported him but not to the ones that I feel need to know.

Here lies my "compass".  How would you be??

This blog is in no way, shape or form to/about anyone of my friends here on the web. It is an issue that has long passed.



Tell me how you feel about ethics?? 

I will post my view on a very deep personal side of my business later today.  


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I would like to be remembered as being one with heart and purpose. Without heart, you can not see beyond the clouds and without purpose, you can not live.  I want to also be remembered for loving with everything I have and standing up for beliefs( i suppose that could run along with purpose). Being kind to all and a smile that would brighten anyone's day.. The gift of gab ( i can talk and talk). Being passionate, whether it be personal or career. Of all these things I would like to be remembered ----as having lived the life I had with heart and purpose. 


(I hope this doesn't bore you too much) 
Good morning to all you beautiful people. Sorry, getting a late start with you today.  You know, it's one of those days, not sleeping and having a little nagging headache.... terrible. I will not let that deter me today.  I have a busy day and wanted to share a little question with you.

My question to you and to myself is.... "How do you want to be remembered?"

I will come back later and post my answer..

Thanks--- Bobbie

Monday, October 21, 2013

My first blog.
You will find that I will talk about anything. I will try keep things interesting with the things on my mind or the #daily #topic.
If at anytime, you want me to talk about a subject or have a forum,of sorts, send a message and I will make it interesting, to say the least.
Hope all of you continue to tune in to see if I am in a good mood, bad mood or just plain toss up.  :)