Monday, June 30, 2014


You know I have to speak out about some of what is going on in the news.... Can't hold it in any longer..

GOVERNMENT>>>> STAY out of my bedroom, my phone, my kitchen, refrigerator, my healthcare... I'm a big girl and long before you, I and mine take care of themselves...

Who are you to tell me what I shall eat or not?  If you look around, not all are one size fits all...  One that weighs considerably more than I needs to eat more.... I on the other hand may need to exercise more, but again, it's my decision.............

Why do you tell me that I have to have birth control when I have had surgery?  HELLO.. some of us can't have children... and if you stop to think.. Birth control is free to those that want it(or for low cost) on the taxpayers dime(anyway)..  Why should you tell me on what type of insurance I need?  You don't know my body nor mine or anyone elses' history-- again, we are not one size fits all.....

You need to fix yourself (ie. scandals ) than try and change what we do outside the realm of GOVERNMENT when it comes to personal responsibility.....

How about we take back our freedom and our rights  and our money from you...


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bobbie's Takes: Do you help or walk away?

Bobbie's Takes: Do you help or walk away?: When you see someone in pain or in despair, do you stop and help whether it be with opening up your wallet or by your words?   The world a...

Do you help or walk away?

When you see someone in pain or in despair, do you stop and help whether it be with opening up your wallet or by your words?  
The world and people today are much different even from when i was young. People are not "in touch" anymore. One doesn't know their neighbor as they used to or should. It's the have and have not(s). 
Don't get me wrong; there are many that stop and help, either by way of giving of their time or money to help those in need. You see every day the goodness in one's heart and mind. It's just not reported or talked about as the bad news. Sad. 
Then there are those that help so they can get an ataboy or pat on the back. You know those I speak of...they love you to your face and in a moment's notice the first to walk away. If there is someone that can testify to their "kind gesture" they are all to eager to help.. not cool... I know someone exactly like that....they do things because it's "godly" but only do it if it benefits them or they think it should benefit them.  when they don't get the recognition they "think" they deserve, they storm off and start showing the "true colors". Awful.  I think we all know someone such as this... 
Then we have those that seem not to care at all. Can't stop, can't give, can't listen or simply can not be. I am all to guilty of, at times, walking away after giving to one and not having enough to help the other; not cool on my part.  I understand fully, the way people are today, you don't know who to trust or help. It's a scary place. 
It doesn't take much to make a phone call or to open your heart and your wallet (if any to spare) and show someone that the world is not all lost... someone somewhere always needs a shoulder to either cry or rely on... After all that person you show compassion to could turn out to be a dear friend or could be possible an Angel sent from Heaven to test your Compassion/Humanity...  

Think about it...... 


Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Summer time.. 

Now that it's Summer, it's time for lazy days with school out with the kids at home lots of ball games, swim meets along with golf and tennis and not to mention those cook outs. 

I reflect on the time when my girls were all scattered doing activities during the summer months.. not to mention mom and dad working all day and having to find the time to take one here and one there, a complete mad house... with one daughter with Jr.LPGA and 2 in swimming-1 in tennis-1 softball-all 3 in music of some sorts. Go-Go-Go. You parent's know what I am talking about.  

Cook outs are the best of the Summer for me, well, along side of going to the lake or swimming in a pool.  In our house, it's all about charcoal not gas.... The start of that charcoal on the grill lighting up and watching it start out as a huge ball of flames to die down with burning embers; enough to start putting on the eats whether it be good ole hamburgers made to taste;marinated in Dale's with salt and pepper, and good plump hot dogs or steaks and steaming weenies. Steaming weenies are polish sausage sliced up with BBQ sauce. Mmm mmm good.   Piling those hamburger's high with onion, tomatoes, lettuce leaf, cheese and pickles with an occasional sliced hot pepper and some times, i enjoy putting on potato chips. (sounds crazy, right, but don't knock it---it's tasty) and that good cold beer what could be better?  :)  OH Oh don't forget the ice cream ----- good homemade ice cream and cutting up ice cold watermelon..  RIGHT?  You know what I'm talking about, come on, you are sitting here with the thought of a nice grilling this weekend... :)   

All the short days of Summer even though filled with activities and family fun.... can get long and hot (depending on where you live) err go the Lazy Days of Summer... you don't want to do much of anything but lay around when the temperature sores to above 90 and not even the shade tree can help the heat. 

Have lots of great fun and time with friends and family. Play fair, laugh out loud, grill more and most of all ... Enjoy your summer... Be safe.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Unanswered Questions"

You know when you think you have figured it out and then "wham" it hits you with another twist and turn? Things you thought you knew turns out could/could not be.  

Sometimes IT can be true and kept from you/us for unknown reasons and other times, it can very well be "unanswered questions" playing around with your/our  mind.  You/we are the pawn from which those tricks are played.  Or maybe we become gullible to those "unanswered questions" and we take on a perception of the truth/lie that we and we only can hold on to? And when I say hold on to, I mean holding on can either make us or break us. 

Sometimes, those "unanswered questions" can drive us deep inside to do or think unimaginable things. To find a lost love or to seek the truth that only one person can give you/us, but again;they too are lost. Where is that answer? What is true/false? You/we have your/our conversations with them and you know deep inside what felt true and then one day--- gone--- whether in death or by their own means or someone else's --- move away and so forth... losing contact with that special friend/person and hearing things afterward that you/one can hardly believe. But, what is true or a lie? If in death that person can never answer  and it's just as hard trying to find those that are lost; either by their hands or another's and seek those "unanswered questions".  Some love to play games with others and some are just caught up in the moment with no ill will at all..  

Sometimes, is it best to just let it go or to seek out that truth/lie? Do you believe your heart or your head? Everyone deserves their "answers" but if that other is not there and those that might know will not come forth.... all you/we have are the memories of conversations that were true to you/us and sometimes that is all that matters (to get us through the day); until one day those "unanswered questions" will simply be a faded memory.  


Friday, June 20, 2014

A few memories of my hometown, Tupelo Mississippi

I look back on my growing up in small town, Tupelo, Mississippi and it seemed/s so different now. Hell, it is different. When I travel back home, the streets that I used to frequent so often, I have to look at the sign to make sure I am on that street. Some of the places I used to go are shut down or have become something else. I go downtown and I don't even recognize the area (I have to do a double take.) Let's face it---- things/places change over time and all we have and share are memories.

I remember when I was pregnant with my first child and eating at the Taco Hut where I would buy two Senorita Dinners (yes, two which consisted of refried  beans, little salad, and if not mistaken two taco's) I was eating for two.. :)  I loved going there. Thank goodness Johnny's Drive-in is still around... love those burgers and shakes.  Yummy Yogurt was a big thing for me back in the day, every Saturday, I would spend a couple of hours trying out the menu and when they began their sandwich menu --- favorite was the Italian Roast Beef with hot peppers--- that, for me, was the best. Our hospital, when I worked there was known and still may be today as the largest non-metropolitan hospital in the country. (is it still?) ThunderBirds or TBirds was a great place to dance and for those that did the party scene-great party place. Bogarts, loved going there, it's atmosphere was quite different than TBirds. Not sure if these are still around but of course, with change they may have become something bigger/better or nothing at all. Lake Lee was a place of fun in the sun during the summertime for everyone and on the 4th of July, packed with entertainment of skiers/boaters showing off and lots of cook outs.. The Lee Drive In was for the most part my second home, there all the time, my parents worked there, my sister and i worked there. It was right beside the bowling ally, Reb-a-lanes?,correct? (i broke it up, not sure of the spelling from memory) I remember Mr and Mrs. Heard and my sweet old, Smitty, he was like a second grandfather always so nice.

Tupelo was a place and still is a place that one can grow with the values of small town USA as well as the taste of growing/expanding new ideas and businesses of tomorrow.  

I miss my old Tupelo, but as they say, things have to change and we must change with it or be left behind. After all, changes are necessary.  Tupelo will always be home for me, the place of my birth and youth. I still have a huge family and great number of friends in Tupelo and all those memories that as I grow older, keep flooding my mind and I smile. 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Writing my first big book...

The first sentence was the kicker for me.. How to start this process. How to put down what was in my mind and when I do/did, how would it look or sound?  

I  have had this book in my mind, to write, for over 20 years. I have done the research required and the plot, the twist and turns the characters (well almost all of the characters) have been in place(without a name until now). The breaking down of the chapters and the outline has all been in my mind until about 4 months ago. 

I loved writing as a young girl. Loved poems and short stories and even wrote a few short plays for us in the neighborhood to play out. How I would write and what each player/character would be was so much fun. My mind racing with every word until the finished product.... Now, I write or am (trying) to write my very first big, huge project. A suspense, murder, thriller. I am excited and terrified at the same time. How or why on earth did I even think of writing or taking on such a project; haven't written anything in many years. But, this project has been pushing itself into reality for a long time and now this story wants to be told. 

After sitting down trying to start that first word and rewrite after rewrite (that was the challenge for me); i decided to write what i felt and then when i go back and read it,  i will edit and yes, of course, punctuation and grammar.. :)  As, i write and get into the characters and name/describe them; i find my mind racing to get out another word, sentence or paragraph. How each one of these people seem to come to life with each word i write. This is a huge task for me and one that i have been wanting for a long time to do this, yet terrified of failure. And now that i have begun; i can hardly put it down. Although, right at the moment, i am in between this project and another writing project.  

I can only hope this book brings about a great story line that will take your mind on a journey and keep you interested until the last final word. 


Having it all??

I was in a discussion the other day about having it all.  

Not that we possibly can't have everything we want/need. At times, this may be true but in other times, I feel/ask, "how?"

Something has got to give or left out. I mean-- look--- having money a nice car/home, clothes, trips are all notable but most that have these things are not all happy in every single aspect of their lives.   If you have a great career-most of the time the family might suffer. Can you see where I am going with all of this?

There is nothing wrong with trying to have it all and how wonderful it would/could be to have an equal balance. 


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stop and smell the Roses

I remember as a child with my grandmother and her telling me to stop and smell the roses.  My reply would be "why do i want to smell flowers?"  as to which she would say "because" "one day you will know and understand." "Life is way to short" she would say and I would reply that i am not even 20 yet and have much more life to live. Silly girl, right? I believe all young ones think they can live forever and nothing can harm them. 

As i get older I am beginning to understand what she meant by that statement. "  but it can mean something different to another.  For me this means just stop and take the time to enjoy God's creation. Stop listen to the birds and hear them sing to the Heavens. Stop and look at that rose or other flower and see the beauty of it's unique form; how each or most have their own scent. Stop and look at that tree to see it's stature and strength knowing it's been here to see our ancestors as they passed by when it was young. Take time to see the sky how beautiful that blue sky is and how grateful we should be and are to be chosen to enjoy these amazing things that have been set before us. 

My grandmother, mother and great grandmother was correct in saying life is too short not to stop and enjoy the little things. We get boggled down by every day life and forget that things that cost us nothing to enjoy are being wasted. When was the last time you went out and sat under the sun? Went for a walk with your friend/family? Listened to your favorite song and just danced? Go and dance in the rain or walk in the rain. (not during lightning.)

Take time to enjoy nature and all it gives, it's a blessing because one day, we will ask where did life go?  Take out a moment in your day to "STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES".

Thank you------

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Hot buttered Rolls/Cornbread..

As many of you from Tupelo will notice this saying was quite popular in the 80's.  

It was a popular restaurant, Mrs. Delbe's.. we had home cooking as and threw hot buttered rolls and cornbread as some would call the little entertainment..... If anyone remembers those good ole rolls--- melt in your mouth, hot buttered and huge. MMM MMMM so good. 

As anyone that knows me, I am not a great pitcher. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler nor can I throw straight,either. Well, one day, I was elected to do this deed for our customers and reluctantly I did as was asked. Went into the kitchen grabbed the basket, put on my little gloves and waited until they were removed from the oven and hot melted butter slathered all over the top. I picked them up carefully, they were slippery with all that butter, and placed them in the basket. As I came to the door of the kitchen.. I started yelling, "HOT BUTTER ROLLS!" "WHO WANTS A HOT BUTTER ROLL?"  Hands go up to those that have been there before and the one for their first trip into our place only looked in surprise until I came near and said "IF YOU WANT A ROLL YOU GOTTA HOLD YOUR HANDS OUT, NO HANDING HERE, YOU HAVE TO CATCH IT".... this was great fun and the people enjoyed the entertainment of it all.   laughing and screeching as the rolls were tossed across the room in hopes they were caught by the ones that wanted one. :)  

I had a couple of men sitting around the middle of the room that was watching the fun and seeing who would catch one and who would not.. as they were watching and laughing; trying to decide if they were going to hold their hand up..  someone sitting behind them threw up their hands and I said "OKAY, READY?  CATCH!".. I threw back my arm as if I were "not" Babe Ruth and as I was coming back into form, I let it go and off it went... as I was watching.....there it goes into the wild blue yonder ... slid right across a bald man's head and right into the hands of the one that wanted the hot melted delight.........  yep, little low and off went in great form like a slow/fast ball heading over home plate. Trying to compose myself after his friend stated, "you got it right over the noggin", "give me one."  At that moment, laughter was ensued by all and then everyone wanted a roll. "HERE, HERE" and throw I did.

It was a good toss off a roll for a new patron, even though when he came in he would ask if I were throwing the rolls he would go out and get his hat..  

I never will forget that time with Mrs, Delbe's and those "HOT BUTTERED ROLLS/CORNBREAD"  "WHO WANTS A HOT BUTTERED ROLL?"  


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Can we save ourselves?

Of all that is going on with our Country and the World today. How will we save humanity? Can there be peace? Will opposition stand against politics for the greater good?

There is much evil in this world today, but face it always has been. This day in age, it's become more holding on our lives (public and private). We have no accountability for anything. Evil seems to reign. 

Doesn't matter what faith or religion you are- what political spectrum you side- what color you are or male/female... As a human being one should have compassion for another. 

One should never- EVER-- I repeat-- NEVER EVER be condemned because of their religious beliefs/faith. Yet, Christians are attacked. Seems to have no voice, no recourse, no partner, no refuge because we believe in something much higher than ourselves the HOPE and FAITH that one day will come... 

There can never be peace or a move toward it if those that do evil or oppose shut down compromise. No, not everyone can win but we can live and respect the differences in another. If we as people do NOT take a stand, we are lost as humanity.. allowing those to be persecuted on their faith. It can take one to change the course of time.. Take a stand, stand together and make a difference.(whether it be politics, religion/faith or basic human rights of others)....  Ask yourselves... if we don't make our mark and stand.. what if one day; we can't walk down our streets and speak out or our women being stoned because someone says that she is in violation of the rule of law they set forth or watch as people storm our houses and work to kill our children/families... ??? Sad but true on how some of this world lives, but standing up and giving help .. how would that little child or woman feel to walk down the street safe and sound? being able to have the most basic thing in life... freedom??  to go to school and learn?? What a wonderful gift that would be for those that have only known oppression... 

Can opposition stand without politics??  Yes, no question it can. but today, especially in our Country.. it stands as NO.. we have lawlessness, illegal activity in our government and no accountability because it oppresses those that speak out---like a monarch with taxes, punishment and unfounded laws... Politics has taken over and that should never be. We have a chance to work together for the good of the people and our country. It's time for a change for the better. Keep us safe, our friends in other countries to know that we will be there for them(no, we can't be there and police but we can support and be there when needed) Time to take away their power, those that want to harm us and make us weak. I for one am fed up with the corruptness going on and we need to all decide whether our Nation is worth the sacrifice our forefathers and those after have paid... We are a nation of laws and we have the responsibility to make sure our rule of law is set forth by our governing body, they work for us not us for them... These days, politics only serves their agenda(s) not the people they serve. 

Remember that evil can appear as good and feed us to want to follow.. Evil only serves itself... Destroys..  

Time to make our stand and make us a better place and a better people.. whether domestic or world.. We can not lose our Humanity.. 

Thank you... 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blue Suede ---- Movie

A big shout out to a new movie coming out soon and to my new friend, J.R. Hepburn (Director).Blue Suede is a crime thriller. If you like martial arts, gang wars and mobsters; you will love this movie.. 

The story is set in the underworld of Boston and revolves around a bloody turf war between the Chinese Triads and the Italian Mob. Now, this is a great story line. Who thought of putting these two at odds with one another? Already, I am intrigued. And in the midst of all the bloodshed, Federal Agents try to stop the violence and bring down organized crime in China Town. Now, who wins this turf war is anyone's guess.

This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat and will be one "kick ass" action thriller. Blue Suede is a Vendetta Motion Picture by J.R. Hepburn known for such movies as Killing Khan and Hidden in the Woods. A great cast of actors makes this movie one to see. Some you have heard before and others you will be hearing more from in the future with other projects. A few listed are; Cynthia Rothrock a legendary actress known for her martial arts in such movies as Above the Law. Also, you have such great actors as Robert Miano, Scott Adkins, John Fiore- one of my favorite, loved him on Law and Order. 

Make a date to mark your calendars. This is a must see. You will not be disappointed. 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bobbie's Takes: The South

Bobbie's Takes: The South: There is something to say about coming or being from the South. Where every season could be an excuse for a family reunion. When I say fami...

The South

There is something to say about coming or being from the South. Where every season could be an excuse for a family reunion. When I say family reunion- I mean- even family you have not even met. 

The South is long rides from one place to another or just no particular place. The South is filled with stories of long ago or old wive's tales or just folklore.  Our language is different; we say y'all or fixin' along with other colorful words.  

In the South, it gets, at times, in the Summer, way to hot and humid to even breath and even a grand ole oak tree is not enough to keep the sweat beads at bay.  Those days, you pray for a nice little breeze. 

The South has great food. Most everything good is fried- fried okra (which most of us say okry), fried green tomatoes and deep fried breaded chicken.. now them some good eats.. :)  We love turnip greens and collard greens, potato salad, catfish, salted ham and red eye gravy along with homemade butter biscuits with molasses or honey  and not to mention our stock from the gardens. I remember helping in the canning process when I was young.. long and hard work but when we opened those cans, oh my goodness, the hard work was tasty.  

I love the South where the breeding has deep roots and the culture is old. The music is soulful- the birth of Jazz and the King of Rock N Roll.  

All that is good with the South, we have our demons or skeletons .. those we wish to forget but remember so that we never walk that road again... Civil Rights and KKK... 

The South, my South, is my home--- I love.. 

Thank you------