Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stop and smell the Roses

I remember as a child with my grandmother and her telling me to stop and smell the roses.  My reply would be "why do i want to smell flowers?"  as to which she would say "because" "one day you will know and understand." "Life is way to short" she would say and I would reply that i am not even 20 yet and have much more life to live. Silly girl, right? I believe all young ones think they can live forever and nothing can harm them. 

As i get older I am beginning to understand what she meant by that statement. "  but it can mean something different to another.  For me this means just stop and take the time to enjoy God's creation. Stop listen to the birds and hear them sing to the Heavens. Stop and look at that rose or other flower and see the beauty of it's unique form; how each or most have their own scent. Stop and look at that tree to see it's stature and strength knowing it's been here to see our ancestors as they passed by when it was young. Take time to see the sky how beautiful that blue sky is and how grateful we should be and are to be chosen to enjoy these amazing things that have been set before us. 

My grandmother, mother and great grandmother was correct in saying life is too short not to stop and enjoy the little things. We get boggled down by every day life and forget that things that cost us nothing to enjoy are being wasted. When was the last time you went out and sat under the sun? Went for a walk with your friend/family? Listened to your favorite song and just danced? Go and dance in the rain or walk in the rain. (not during lightning.)

Take time to enjoy nature and all it gives, it's a blessing because one day, we will ask where did life go?  Take out a moment in your day to "STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES".

Thank you------

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