Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Do you help or walk away?

When you see someone in pain or in despair, do you stop and help whether it be with opening up your wallet or by your words?  
The world and people today are much different even from when i was young. People are not "in touch" anymore. One doesn't know their neighbor as they used to or should. It's the have and have not(s). 
Don't get me wrong; there are many that stop and help, either by way of giving of their time or money to help those in need. You see every day the goodness in one's heart and mind. It's just not reported or talked about as the bad news. Sad. 
Then there are those that help so they can get an ataboy or pat on the back. You know those I speak of...they love you to your face and in a moment's notice the first to walk away. If there is someone that can testify to their "kind gesture" they are all to eager to help.. not cool... I know someone exactly like that....they do things because it's "godly" but only do it if it benefits them or they think it should benefit them.  when they don't get the recognition they "think" they deserve, they storm off and start showing the "true colors". Awful.  I think we all know someone such as this... 
Then we have those that seem not to care at all. Can't stop, can't give, can't listen or simply can not be. I am all to guilty of, at times, walking away after giving to one and not having enough to help the other; not cool on my part.  I understand fully, the way people are today, you don't know who to trust or help. It's a scary place. 
It doesn't take much to make a phone call or to open your heart and your wallet (if any to spare) and show someone that the world is not all lost... someone somewhere always needs a shoulder to either cry or rely on... After all that person you show compassion to could turn out to be a dear friend or could be possible an Angel sent from Heaven to test your Compassion/Humanity...  

Think about it...... 


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